
Doctoral research student Kinga Reul, M.A.

Doctoral research student

Kinga Reul (Germany, 1983)

M.A. in Sociology, Political Sciences, Romanic Philology (Spanish)

PhD project
Entrepreneurship within the Maori Culture – A Case Study Regarding the Implications for Social Change in Terms of Resource Use and Work Society.
The agenda of the proposed PhD project entails an interdisciplinary investigation of entrepreneurship within the Maori society. From an anthropological and environmental point of view, a case study is planned which considers the implications of Maori entrepreneurship for social change in terms of resource use and work society. Indigenous people, for example the Maori, have a different understanding of entrepreneurship (Frederick 2002; Frederick & Henry 2004) as opposed to a western comprehension of business-making. Nature-close entrepreneurship is, inter alia, a general feature of indigenous entrepreneurs (Peredo et al. 2004; Dana and Anderson 2011: 251) and the principle of sustainable development has been evolved and implemented in New Zealand as the first country worldwide (Littbarski 2005; Smith 1997; Fureseth & Cocklin 1995). Furthermore, the typical entrepreneur in New Zealand is more an opportunity-based lifestyle entrepreneur, opting for work-life balance rather than wealth creation (Maritz 2006).

This project examines the effects of a `green´ understanding of entrepreneurship within the Maori culture and therewith the question is raised if indigenous entrepreneurship could be seen as an example for a sustainable way of economic development. The qualitative field study is based on semi-structured and unstructured interviews with entrepreneurs among Maori people on the North Island of New Zealand. The most important objective is to analyze the relationship between landscape and Maori entrepreneurship. The purpose of this project is to identify significant issues and qualitative data that may deserve to be studied in a more accurate way so as to understand the development of indigenous entrepreneurship and what western societies could learn about `green´ local business making which is based on self-sufficiency. All in all, the dynamics of the Maori understanding of entrepreneurship should be investigated from the Maori entrepreneurs´ point of view in order to appreciate their way of indigenous entrepreneurship and its impact on the landscape.

Research interests Indigenous culture, entrepreneurship, human influence on ecological processes, climate change, biodiversity, ecological anthropology and social change.

Since September 2010
Member of the Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes" at the Christian-Albrechts- University Kiel.

July 2010
Magister Artium in Sociology, Political Sciences, Romanic Philology (Spanish) at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, (Germany). Thesis: „Unternehmensgründung im Internet - eine Einzelfallstudie”.

2003 – 2010
Studies of Sociology, Political Sciences, Romanic Philology (Spanish) at the Universities: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (Germany), Universidad de Granada (Erasmus-Scholarship, Spain), University of the Sunshine Coast (Queensland, Australia).

Work experience

Student assistant of a political counselor for eight months. Duty: Project work and preparations of conferences.

Internship at the WDR Studio Münster for four weeks. Duty: Organizational assistance of film production.
