
Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Bork, Academic staff

Academic staff | Institute for Ecosystem Research

Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Bork (Germany, 1955)

founding member

PhD Technical University (TU) of Braunschweig
Research area Ecotechnology and ecosystem development
Scientific Education

Venia legendi ‘Physical Geography and Geoecology – Physische Geographie und Geoökologie’, PD at TU Braunschweig 1974–1976

PhD, TU Braunschweig. Title of dissertation: ‘Die holozäne Relief- und Bodenentwicklung im Untereichsfeld und im südwestlichen Harzvorland’

PhD student of Prof. Dr. Heinrich Rohdenburg, TU Braunschweig

Graduate diploma of TU Braunschweig

Study of Geography, Soil Science, Rural Water Engineering, and Geology at the Technical University (TU) of Braunschweig

Study of Geography, Soil Science, Geology at the Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen

Scientific experience

Since 2000
Full professor (C4) for Ecosystem Research and head of the Ecology Centre of the Christian- Albrechts-University, Kiel

Since 1994
Nomination as honorary professor of the Humboldt-University, Berlin

President of the German Society of Geography

Chair of the Geographical Association at German universities (VGDH)

Full professor (C4) for Landscape Ecology and Soil Science at the University of Potsdam (Institute of Geoecology)

Scientific head of the Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research – Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V. Müncheberg (1996–1999 as additional office)

Dean of the faculty Landscape Development, TU Berlin

Full professor (C3) for Regional Soil Science at the Institute of Ecology, Technical University Berlin

Associate professor (C2) for Geoecology at the Institute of Geography, TU Braunschweig

Assistant professor (C1), TU Braunschweig

Research fellow, TU Braunschweig

Selected publications

Lubos, C.C.M., Dreibrodt, S., Nelle, O., Klamm, M., Friederich, S., Meller, H., Nadeau, M.J., Grootes, P.M., Fuchs, M., Bork, H.-R.,: A multi-layered prehistoric settlement structure (tell?) at Niederröblingen, Germany and its implications. J. of Archaeological Science 38, 1101-1110.

Dreibrodt, S., Lubos, C., Terhorst, B., Damm, B., Bork, H.-R.: Historical soil erosion by water in Germany: Scales and archives, chronology, research perspectives. Quaternary International 222, 80-95

Dreibrodt, S., Lomax, J., Nelle, O., Lubos, C., Fischer, P., Mitusov, A., Reiss, S., Radtke, U., Nadeau, M., Grootes, P.M., Bork, H.-R.: Are mid-latitude slopes sensitive to climatic oscillation? Implications from an Early Holocene sequence of slope deposits and buried soils from eastern Germany. Geomorphology 122, 352-369

Mieth, A., Bork, H.-R.: Humans, climate or introduced rats – which is to blame for the woodland destruction on Rapa Nui (Easter Island)? J. of Archaeological Science 37: 417-426.

Mieth, A., Bork, H.-R.: Inseln der Erde. Darmstadt.

Mitusov, A., Mitusova, O., Pustovoytov, K., Lubos, C., Bork, H.-R.: Palaeoclimatic indicators in soils buried under archaeological monuments in the Eurasian steppe: A review. The Holocene 19: 1153-1160.

Reiss, S., Dreibrodt, S., Lubos, C., Bork, H.-R.: Land use history and historical soil erosion at Albersdorf (northern Germany) – Ceased agricultural land use after the pre-historical period. Catena 77: 107-118.

Bork, H.-R., Dahlke, C., Dreibrodt, S., Kranz, A.: Soil and human impact. In: Elements – continents. Approaches to determinants of environmental history and their reflections. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF Bd. 98, Nr. 360: 63-78.

Bork, H.-R.: Geomorphologische Auswirkungen anthropogener Umweltveränderungen. Zeitschrift f. Geomorphologie N.F. Suppl. Bd. 148: 64-70.

Vanwalleghem, T., Poesen, J., Vitse, I., Bork, H.-R., Dotterweich, M., Schmidtchen, G., Deckers, J., Lang, A., Mauz, B.: Origin and evolution of closed depressions in central Belgium, European loess belt. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32: 574-586.

Bork, H.-R.: Landschaften der Erde unter dem Einfluss des Menschen. Darmstadt.

Stevenson, C. M., Jackson, T. L., Mieth, A., Bork, H.-R., Ladefoged, T. N.: Prehistoric and early historic agriculture at Maunga Orito, Easter Island (Rapa Nui), Chile. Antiquity 80: 919-936.

Mieth, A. and H.-R. Bork: The dynamics of soil, landscape and culture on Easter Island (Chile). In: J. R. McNeill and V. Winiwarter (eds), Soils and societies: Perspectives from environmental history (Isle of Harris), 273–321

Bork, H.-R., Lang, A.: Quantification of past soil erosion and land use / land cover changes in Germany. In: A. Lang, K. Hennrich and R. Dikau (eds), Long term hillslope and fluvial system modelling. Concepts and case studies from the Rhine river catchment. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences (Berlin et al.) 101, 231–239.

Bork, H.-R., Bork, H., Dalchow, C., Faust, B., Piorr, H.-P., Schatz, T.: Landschaftsentwicklung in Mitteleuropa. Gotha.

Dreibrodt, S., Lomax, J., Nelle, O., Lubos, C., Fischer, P., Mitusov, A., Reiss, S., Radtke, U., Nadeau, M., Grootes, P.M., Bork, H.-R.: Are mid-latitude slopes sensitive to climatic oscillation? Implications from an Early Holocene sequence of slope deposits and buried soils from eastern Germany. Geomorphology 122, 352-369

Since 2003
Member of ‘Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle’

Since 2003

In progress
Şafak Nergiz: Settlement patterns in Eastern Thrace (Turkey) during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Period.

In progress
Andrey Vladimirovich Mitusov: Soils and relief development during Holocene in northern Germany (with focus on Neolithic Age)

In progress
Kinga Reul: Entrepreneurship within the Maori Culture – A case study regarding the implications for social change in terms of resource use and work society.

In progress
David Bergeman: Analysis and evaluation of Germanic settlements patterns and spatial structures from 1st century BC to 3rd century AD in North and North-Western Germany.

In progress
Uta Lungershausen: Reconstruction of spatiotemporal man-nature interactions. Modeling and quatification of dune development in sandur plain landscapes in Northern Germany by using GIS and 3D visualization-techniques.

In progress
Sadovnik, Mykola: History reconstruction of the forest and land use from the Neolithic Period in Westensee Area, Northern Germany.

In progress
Michael Teichmann: Landscape archaeology in Central Italy.

In progress
Sophia Dazert: Long-term experiments in small streams.

In progress
Assefa Engdawork: Landscape Dynamics and Implication for Integrated Natural Resource Management in south Ethiopia

Annekret Larsen: Past Natural and Anthropological Altered Sediment Flux in the Spessart Mountains - a Central European Landscape

Carolin Clara Maria Lubos: Geomorphologisch-umweltarchäologische Untersuchungen der Genese eines urgeschichtlichen Siedlungshügels bei Niederröblingen (Sachsen-Anhalt) und seiner Umgebung.

Anro Beyer: Mittelalterlich-neuzeitliche Landschaftsentwicklung im Südsolling – die Wüstung Winnefeld, cum laude

Iraj Emadodin: Impacts of land management on soil formation and soil degradation during middle and late Holocene in Schleswig-Holstein (Germany), cum laude

Caroline Schleier: Die Folgeböden landwirtschaftlich genutzter nordostdeutscher Niedermoore, magna cum laude

Christine Dahlke: Kultur- und Naturraumentwicklung im nordchinesischen Lössplateau; magna cum laude

Rüdiger Kelm: Die frühe Kulturlandschaft der Region Albersdorf (Kreis Dithmarschen, Schleswig- Holstein). Grundlagen, Erfassung und Vermittlung der Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehungen in einer urgeschichtlichen Geestlandschaft; cum laude

Christian Russok: Prozessspuren in der Landschaft – Aspekte des fluviatilen und litoralen Responssystems am Beispiel eines weichselzeitlich geprägten Landschaftsausschnittes in Schleswig- Holstein; magna cum laude

Anne Schmitt: Auswirkungen der langfristigen Landnutzungsdynamik auf die Ökosysteme Südost-Polens; cum laude

Stefan Dreibrodt: Integrative Analyse von Kolluvien und Seesedimenten zur Rekonstruktion der Bodenerosionsgeschichte im Einzugsgebiet des Belauer Sees (Schleswig-Holstein); summa cum laude

Stefan Reiß: Langfristige Wirkungen der Landnutzung auf den Stoffhaushalt in der Dithmarscher Geest seit dem Neolithikum; magna cum laude

Günther Winkler: Luftgestützte Geofernerkundung mit leichten Messflugzeugen im 21. Jahrhundert; cum laude

Katrin Schwarz: Untersuchungen zum Einsatz biogener Ligninklebstoffe bei Massivholzverklebungen; cum laude

Rainer Sodtke: Ein Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für den Zwischenfruchtanbau – Konzeption, Entwicklung, Validierung; magna cum laude

Andreas Barsch: Zum Einfluss von Witterung und Klima auf den Landschaftszustand und die Landschaftsentwicklung im Uvs-Nuur-Becken (NW-Mongolei); magna cum laude

Benjamin Burkhard: Ecological Assessment of the Reindeer Husbandry System in Northern Finland; magna cum laude

Gabriele Schmidtchen: Anthropogen beeinflusste langfristige Ökosystementwicklung in Norddeutschland; magna cum laude

Markus Dotterweich: Langfristige landnutzungsbedingte Landschaftsentwicklung in Oberfranken; magna cum laude

Franka Woithe: Holozäne Landschaftsentwicklung in der Niederlausitz; magna cum laude

Andreas Mieth: Mensch-Natur-Beziehungen im Südost-Pazifik; magna cum laude

Karl Geldmacher: Landschaftsentwicklung und Landschaftswandel im Pazifischen Nordwesten der USA seit 1850; magna cum laude
