
Prof. Dr. Johannes Bröcker, Academic staff

Academic staff | Institute for Regional Research

Prof. Dr. Johannes Bröcker (Germany, 1950)


PhD University of Kiel
Research area International and Regional Economics
Scientific Education

Habilitation (2nd doctor degree) in economics 1992, University of Kiel, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences; Thesis: “Numerische multiregionale Gleichgewichtsanalyse” (Numerical multiregional equilibrium analysis).

Doctor in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences (summa cum laude); Thesis: "Interregionaler Handel und ökonomische Integration: Empirische Modelle für westeuropäische Länder und Regionen" (Interregional trade and economic integration: empirical models for countries and regions in Western Europe).

Diploma in Economics at the University of Kiel

Scientific experience

Since 2000
Full professor, Chair in International and Regional Economics, University of Kiel, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Full professor, Chair in Macroeconomics and Regional Science, University of Dresden.

Assistant professor, University of Kiel, Institute of Theoretical Economics.

Research assistant, University of Kiel, Institute of Regional Research and Institute of Theoretical Economics.

Selected publications

Johannes Bröcker & Jean Mercenier: General equilibrium models for transportation economics. In A. de Palma, R. Lindsey, E. Quinet, and R. Vickerman, editors, Handbook of transport economics, Chapter 2. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Johannes Bröcker, Artem Korzhenevych, and Marie-Catherine Riekhof: Predicting freight flows in a globalising world. Research in Transportation Economics, 31:37-44.

Johannes Bröcker, Artem Korzhenevych and Carsten Schürmann. Assessing spatial equity and efficiency impacts of transport infrastructure projects. Transportation Research B, 44:795-811.

Artem Korzhenevych and Johannes Bröcker: Regional unemployment and welfare effects of the EU transport policies: Recent results from an applied general equilibrium model. In C. Karlsson, Å.E. Andersson, P.C. Cheshire, and R.R. Stough, editors, New Directions in Regional Economic Development, pages 177–196. Berlin: Springer.

Johannes Bröcker and Piet Rietveld: Infrastructure and regional development. In Roberta Capello and Peter Nijkamp, editors, Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories, chapter 9, pages 152-181. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Johannes Bröcker: Lösch and economic geography after 1990. In U. Blum, J.S. Kowalski, A. Kuklinski, and W. Rothengatter, editors, Space — Structure — Economy: A Tribute to August Lösch, pages 211–228. Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Johannes Bröcker & Niels Schneekloth: European transport policy and cohesion: An assessmant by CGE analysis. Italian Journal of regional Science (Scienze Regionali), 5:47–70.

Johannes Bröcker: Modelling interregional and international trade. In R. Scott Hacker, Börje Johansson, and Charlie Karlsson, editors, Emerging Market Economies and European Economic Integration, pages 31–46. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Johannes Bröcker: Computable general equilibrium analysis in transportation economics. In David A. Hensher, Kenneth J. Button, Kingsley E. Haynes, and Peter R. Stopher, editors, Handbook of Transport Geography and Spatial Systems, volume 5 of Handbooks in Transport, chapter 16, pages 269–289. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Johannes Bröcker: Agglomeration and knowledge diffusion. In Roberta Capello and Peter Nijkamp, editors, Urban Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Urban Economics, volume 266 of Contributions to Economic Analysis, chapter 19, pages 609–633. Elsevier, Amsterdam.


Zhanna Kapslayamova, Effects of the Oil Export Price Increase on the Economy: Theoretical and Empirical Issues – A CGE Analysis of the Case of Kazakhstan.

Christina Boll: Einkommenseinbußen von Frauen durch geburtsbedingte Erwerbsunterbrechungen. Der Schattenpreis von Kindern und mögliche Auswirkungen auf weibliche Spezialisierungsentscheidungen im Haushaltszusammenhang. Eine quantitative Analyse auf Basis von SOEP-Daten.

Michael Hübler: Global Economic Integration, Technology Diffusion and Climate Change.

Nils Happich: Regional Income Differences and Market Accessibility in the Enlarged European Union: A Simultaneous Spatial CGE and Estimation Approach.

Artem Korzhenevych: Modelling Spatial Economic Effects of Transport Infrastructure Policies: A Computable General Equilibrium Approach.

Johann Thieme: Globalization and Labor Market Outcomes: Applying Schumpeterian Growth Models.
