
Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller, Academic staff

Academic staff | Institute of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology

Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller (Germany, 1960)

founding member

PhD University of Freiburg (Habilitation: Free University of Berlin)
Research area Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology
Scientific Education

Habilitation, Free University of Berlin, Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology

Ph.D. University of Freiburg, Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ch. Strahm)

University of Freiburg/University Edinburgh: Prehistoric and Historic Archaeology (M.A.: July 1986)

Scientific experience

Contracts and functions
Since 2009

Coordinator of the DFG-Core project “Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation”

Since 2007
Coordinator of the Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes”

Since 2004
C4-Professor, Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel Universty, Director of the Institute or Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology

Head of the Institute of Heritage, Architecture and Archaeology, Bamberg University.

C3-Professor, Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Bamberg University.

Substitution of the Professorship of Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Freiburg.

Substitution of the Professorship of Cultural Information Science, University of Cologne.

Research fellow and assistant teacher at the Institute of Prehistoric Archaeology, Free University Berlin.

Since 2009

Forging Identities (Bronze Age Europe) (European Science Foundation)

Since 2008
Social change and monumentality in Northern Central Europe (Schwerpunktprogramm of German Reseach Foundation - Coordinator)

Since 2007
Megalithic Landscapes in Northern Germany (German Science Foundation)

Since 2007
Megalithic Landscapes of the western Altmark (German Science Foundation)

Since 2007
Geophysical surveys of Southeast-European settlements (German Archaeological Institute)

Since 2007
Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” (Excellency Initiative of German Research Foundation - Coordinator)

Since 2005
Landscape archaeology in wet areas of Schleswig-Holstein (including fieldwork in Schleswig-Holstein).

Since 2002
Landscape archaeology of the Neolithic Visoko basin (including fieldwork in Bosnia-Hercegovina) (German Science Foundation; German Archaeological Institute, co-proponent: K. Rassmann)

Since 1999
Landscape archaeology of an Early Bronze Age society in Greater Poland (including fieldwork in Poland) (German Science Foundation, German-Polish Foundation)

Since 1987
The neolithisation of the Adriatic Basin: Landscape and human adaptations (including fieldwork in former Yugoslavia)

Since 1985
Labor investment, megalithic monuments and landscape in the Neolithic (including fieldwork on Orkney, Shetland (GB) and in Saxony-Anhalt (Germany)

2001 - 2008
Late Neolithic settlement systems in Central Europe (including fieldwork in Franconia, Germany) (partly Oberfranken Foundation)

1999 - 2006
Predictive maps, settlement dynamics and space and territory in prehistory (including fieldwork in Brandenburg, Germany) (Thyssen Foundation, coproponent: J. Kunow)

Experience in graduate education includes various bi-nationally and dually supervised PhDs as well as interdisciplinary organisation of a PhD programme in function as head of the Institute of Archaeology, Heritage and Architecture (Bamberg University) 2004, and organisation of schools for postgraduate Bosnian students in collaboration with the Bosnian National Museum Sarajevo for the recovery of archaeological graduate education in Bosnia-Herzegovina 2002–today.

Chronological studies, social adaptations and settlements systems in Central Germany (German Science Foundation)

The neolithisation of the Adriatic basin: landscape and human adaptations (including fieldwork in former Yugoslavia)

Selected publications

in press
Müller, J., Lohrke, B.: Neue absolutchronologische Daten für die süddeutsche Hügelgräberbronzezeit. Germania 87, 2009.

in press
J. MÜLLER/T. SEREGÉLY/C. BECKER/A.-M. CHRISTENSEN/M. FUCHS/H. KROLL/D. MISCHKA/U. SCHÜSSLER, A Revision of Corded Ware Settlement Pattern – New Results from the Central European Low Mountain Range. Proceedings of Prehistoric Society 75, 2009, 125-42.

in press, online first 2011
Wiebke Kirleis, Stefanie Klooß, Helmut Kroll, Johannes Müller: Crop growing and gathering in the northern German Neolithic: a review supplemented by first new results. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. DOI: 10.1007/s00334-011-0328-9 (document at Springer)

J. MÜLLER/J. KNEISEL, Bruszczewo 5: Production, distribution, consumption, and the formation of social differences. In: J. MÜLLER/J. CZEBRESZUK/J. KNEISEL (Hrsg.), Bruszczewo II. Ausgrabungen und Forschungen in einer prähistorischen Siedlungskammer Großpolens. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa 6 (Bonn 2010) 756-83.

Müller, J., Seregély T., Becker C., Christensen A.-M., Fuchs M., Kroll H., Mischka D., Schüssler U.,: A Revision of Corded Ware Settlement Pattern – New Results from the Central European Low Mountain Range. Proceedings of Prehistoric Society 75: 125-42.

Müller, J.: Dating the Neolithic: Methodological Premises and Absolute Chronology. Radiocarbon 51: 721-36.

Müller, J., Seregély, T.: Die schnurkeramische Siedlungsweise in Mitteleuropa. In: Müller, J., Seregély, T. (ed.): Wattendorf-Motzenstein - eine schnurkeramische Siedlung auf der Nördlichen Frankenalb: Naturwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse und Rekonstruktion des schnurkeramischen Siedlungswesens in Mitteleuropa. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie - Endneolithische Siedlungsstrukturen in Oberfranken II: 175-84.

Kneisel, J., Bork, H.-R., Czebreszuk J., Dörfler, W., Grootes, P., Haas, J. N., Heußner, K.-U., Hildebrandt-Radke, I., Kroll, H., Müller, J., Wahlmüller, N., Wazny, T.: Bruszczewo - Early Bronze Defensive Settlement in Wielkopolska. Metallurgy, peat zone finds and chnages in the environment. In: Czebreszuk, J., Kadrow, S., Müller, J. (ed.): Defensive Structures from Central Europe to the Aegean in the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa 5, Poznan-Bonn: 155-70.

Müller, J.: Siedlungs- und umweltarchäologische Modelle zum 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr. In: Dörfler, W., Müller, J. (ed.), Umwelt - Wirtschaft - Siedlungen im dritten vorchristlichen Jahrtausend Mitteleuropas und Südskandinaviens. Offa-Bücher 84: 393-9.

Demnick, D. , Diers, S., Bork, H.-R., Fritsch, B., Müller, J.: Der Großdolmen Lüdelsen 3 in der westlichen Altmark (Sachsen-Anhalt) – Baugeschichte, Rituale und Landschaftsrekonstruktion. Mit Beiträgen von Beyer, A., Brozio, J.-P., Erkul, E., Kroll, H., und Tafel, E. 92, 2008.

Hofmann, R., Kujundžić-Vejzagić, Z., Müller, J., Scheessel, N. M., Rassmann, K.: Prospektionen und Ausgrabungen in Okolište (Bosnien-Herzegowina): Siedlungsarchäologische Studien zum zentralbosnischen Spätneolithikum (5300-4500 v. Chr.). Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 87, 2006: 44-212.

Müller, J.: Demographic variables and Neolithic ideology. In: Spataro, M., Biagi, P. (ed.): A short walk through the Balkans: the first farmers of the Carpathian Basin and adjacent regions (Conference London 2005). Società per la Preistoria e Protostoria della Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia Quaderno 12, 2007b: 161-70.

Czebreszuk, J. and J. Müller (eds): Bruszczewo 1. Siedlungsarchäologie in einer endneolithisch-frühbronzezeitlichen Fundregion Großpolens. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa 2 (Poznan/Bamberg/Rahden).

Müller, J.: Settlement Areas, Landscape Archaeology and Predictive Mapping. In: J. Kunow and J. Müller (eds), The Archaeology of Landscapes and Geographic Information Systems: Predictive Maps, Settlement Dynamics and Space and Territory in Prehistory. Archäoprognose 1 (Wünsdorf/Bamberg) 27–34.

Müller, J.: Soziochronologische Studien zum Jung- und Spätneolithikum im Mittelelbe-Saale-Gebiet (4100–2700 v.Chr.). Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen 21 (Rahden/Westf.).

Czebreszuk, J. u. J. Müller (eds): The Absolute Chronology of Central Europe 3000–2000 BC. Studien zur Archäologie in Ostmitteleuropa 1 (Poznan/Bamberg/Rahden).

Müller, J. and S. von Willigen: The absolute dating of the European Bell Beaker phenomenon: consequences for the evaluation of ideological models. In: F. Nicolis (ed), Bell Beakers Today. International Colloquium Riva del Garda (Trento, Italy) 11.–16.5.1998 (Riva del Garda) 59–80.

Müller, J.: ‘Earplugs’, ceramics and sheep: examples of communication and boundaries in the Adriatic Early Neolithic. Società Presitoria Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Trieste 8, 151–159.

Bernbeck, R. and J. Müller: Prestige und Prestigegüter aus kulturanthropologischer und archäo¬logischer Sicht. In: J. Müller and R. Bernbeck (eds), Prestige - Prestigegüter - Sozialstrukturen. Beispiele aus dem europäischen und vorderasiatischen Neolithikum. Archäologische Berichte 6 (Bonn) 1 ff.

Müller, J.: Das ostadriatische Frühneolithikum: Die Impresso-Kultur und die Neolithisierung des Adriaraumes. Prähistorische Archäologie Südosteuropas 9 (Berlin).

Chapman, J. and J. Müller: Early farmers in the Mediterranean Basin: The Dalmatian evidence. Antiquity 64, 1990, 127 ff.


In progress
Nergiz, Safak: Settlement patterns in Eastern Thrace (Turkey) during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Period.

In progress
Wulff, Robert: Image-Based 3D Documentation in Archaeology.

In progress
Schroedter, Tim: Working title: The tell in the woods? Woodland-management and social differentiation of wood use at tell-sites in SE Europe and Turkey.

In progress
Pokrandt, Jana: The palaeocology of oasis origin of the Arabian Peninsula (4th Mill. B.C.).

In progress
Mitusov, Andrey Vladimirovich: Soils and relief development during Holocene in northern Germany (with focus on Neolithic Age)

In progress
Siracusano, Giovanni: Animal breeding patterns in the Syro-Anatolian Regions from the 5th to the 2nd millennium B.C. Analysis of the faunal remains from three emblematic sites: Arslantepe (Malatya), Zeytinli Bahçe (Urfa) and Tell Beydar (Al Hasaka).

In progress
Scholz, Heiko: The location of the hoard: study on the relative positions of Bronze Age metal depositions in the southern and western Baltic Sea Region (working title)

In progress
Lindemann, Matthias: Development, function and referring of the landscape of megalithic tombs, enclosures and settlements of the Funnel Beaker culture (working title).

In progress
Tiedtke, Verena: Grave and space: Organisation of landscape and communication clusters in and around the burial site Müllrose, East Brandenburg.

In progress
Demnik, Denis: Working title: Megalithic Landscape Altmark: Megalithic tombs, Funnelbeaker Settlement & Tiefstich-Pottery.

In progress
Mahlstedt, Svea:The mesolithic in western Lower-Saxony, Germany. Postglacial hunther-gatherers between Scandinavia and Western Europe (9600 BC to 3600 BC).

Gorbahn, Hermann: The archaic settlement of Pernil Alto, Peru, and the emergence of sedentarism and agriculture in the Andean area.

Iwe, Karina: A Study of the Animal Style of Scythian nomadic horse-riders in Central Asia.

Grossmann, Ralph: The dialectic relation of the Corded Ware and Bell-beaker culture in middle Europe, in context to theoretical and ethnographic aspects.

Bergemann, Stefanie: Landschaft im Wandel der Zeit – Der Fundort Zauschwitz im Lkr. Leipziger Land und die Siedlungsdynamik Mitteldeutschlands.

Diers, Sarah: Vegetation history of the western Altmark with special emphasis on the human impact in the Neolithic (working title).

Dal Corso, Marta: Environmental history and development of the human landscape in a north-eastern Italian lowland during Bronze Age: a multidiciplinary case study.

De Cet, Monica: The Prehistory of Menorca: Environment and Demography.

Schulz Paulsson, Bettina: Time and Stone: the Genesis of Megaliths and Megalith Societies in Europe.

Ricci, Andrea: Where the river flowed: Cultural landscapes in the Syro- Turkish Middle Euphrates Valley.

Jansen, Doris: Holocene Wooded Environment and Wood Economy of Northern Central Europe, Investigated by Archaeo- and Geoanthracological Methods.

Wehner, Donat: Terra Stodor. Studies about Structure and Change of a Medieval Settlement Area (7th to mid 12th century).

Lubos, Carolin: Geomorphologisch-umweltarchäologische Untersuchungen der Genese eines urgeschichtlichen Siedlungshügels bei Niederröblingen (Sachsen-Anhalt) und seiner Umgebung.

Klooß, Stefanie: Final Mesolithic and Early Neolithic wooden artefacts of coastal settlements on the southwestern Baltic Sea.

Glykou, Aikaterini: Neustadt LA 156 – A Submarine Site of the Late Mesolithic and Earliest Neolithic in Schleswig-Holstein. Studies on the Subsistence Strategies of the Last Hunters, Gatherers and Fishers at the Baltic Coast of Northern Germany.

Moetz, Fevzi-Kemal: Siedlungsraum im geographischen Raum. Wahl und Zwang - Aspekte der Niederlassung im beginnenden Neolithikum in Obermesopotamien.

Schneider, Rouven: Der Wechsel von der Bronze- zur Eisenzeit in Nordeuropa - Studien zu Einflüssen, Kontakten und kulturprägenden Impulsen vom 9. bis 5. Jh. v. Chr. in Europa.

Steffen, Christoph: Sozialgeschichtlicher Wandel in der frühen Eisenzeit - Soziale Srukturen während der späten Hallstatt- und frühen Latènezeit in Baden-Württemberg.

Hinz, Martin: Structure of the Funnelbeaker societies (4100-2800 BC)

Katrin Staude: Lineares Grubenwerk und Siedlungsplatz Triwalk, Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg – Zur Chronologie der Trichterbecherkultur in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Nakoinz, Oliver: Archäologisch-geographische Studien zur älteren Eisenzeit Südwestdeutschlands. Habilitation.

Dürr, Janina: Von Tierhütern und Tiertötern. Ideal und Praxis von Wildtierschutz im ethnoarchäologischen Vergleich.

Feulner , Frederick: Die spätmesolithischen und frühneolithischen Fundplätze im Satrupholmer Moor, Kr. Schleswig-Flensburg. Rekonstruktion einer Siedlungskammer

Steffens, Jan: Erdwerk, Siedlung und Großsteingräber – Eine Fallstudie zur Trichterbecherkultur im nördlichen Mitteleuropa am Beispiel des Siedlungsraumes Rastorf. PhD magna cum laude.

Furholt, Martin: Die nördlichen Badener Keramikstile im Kontext des mitteleuropäischen Spätneolithikums (3650–2900 BC), PhD, summa cum laude.

Honig, Peter: Studien zur bronzezeitlichen Keramikentwicklung am Beispiel der Siedlungskeramik der Windsheimer Bucht und des süddeutschen Donauraumes, PhD, cum laude.

Schuhmacher, Thomas X. : Kontakte, Handel und Schiffahrt im westlichen und zentralen Mittelmeerraum. Die Rolle der Iberischen Halbinsel am Beginn der Bronzezeit (Habilitation).

Ullrich, Markus: Das Dolinenfeld „Am Hahenbuck“ bei Egersheim, Lkr. Neustadt a.d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim. Ein Fundplatz des Endneolithikums, der Bronze- und Urnenfelderzeit. Mit einer Untersuchung zur Chronologie von Schnurkeramik und Glockenbechern an Rhein, Main und Neckar, PhD, summa cum laude.

Suhr, Grietje: Chance oder Bedrohung? Theoretische Ansätze in der archäologischen Forschung Osteuropas, PhD, magna cum laude.

Münch, Ulla: Überlegungen zur Quellenkritik als eingrenzender Faktor der Archäoprognose, PhD, magna cum laude.
