
Prof. Dr. Josef Wiesehöfer, Academic staff

Academic staff | Institute of Classics

Prof. Dr. Josef Wiesehöfer (Germany, 1951)

founding member

PhD University of Münster (Habilitation: University of Heidelberg)
Research area Ancient history
Scientific Education

Habilitation at the University of Heidelberg (thesis: ‘Die dunklen Jahrhunderte der Persis. Untersuchungen zu Geschichte und Kultur von Fars in frühhellenistischer Zeit (330–140 v. Chr.)’ [The Dark Ages of Persis. Research into the history and culture of Fars in Early Hellenistic times]; published in Munich 1994.

PhD (thesis: ‘Der Aufstand Gaumatas und die Anfänge Dareios I.’ [Gaumata’s revolt and the beginnings of the reign of Darius I]; published in Bonn 1978.

Study of History, English, Indo-European Linguistics and Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Münster (Westphalia).

Scientific experience

Since 1989
Chair of Ancient History at the University of Kiel, Director of the Institute of Classics

Member of the ‘Zentrum für Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien’ (Centre of Asian and African Studies) at Kiel University,

Editor of ‘Oriens et Occidens’ (Stuttgart) and co-editor of ‘Asien und Afrika’ (Hamburg), ‘Achaemenid History’ (Leiden), ‘Oikumene’ (Frankfurt), ‘Kieler Historische Studien’ (Stuttgart)

Member of the Board ‘Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum’ (London)

Correspondent member of the ‘Deutsches Archäologisches Institut’ and the ‘Philologisch- Historische Klasse der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen’.

Main interests in the History of the Ancient Near East, in Greek and Roman Social History, in the History of the Jews in Antiquity and in the History of Scholarship.

Selected publications

in press
Wiesehöfer, J.: The Late Sasanian Near East. In: The New Cambridge History of Islam. Vol. 1. Cambridge.

Wiesehöfer, J.: Ancient Persia. From 550 BC to 650 AD. London-New York. 3rd ed. = 2nd rev. ed., London-New York 2004 (11996) (a Persian translation was published in Teheran 1998, now 3rd ed. 2008; a Turkish translation of the German original (Das antike Persien, 2nd ed.) appeared in 2003, an Arabic translation of the German original (4th ed., 2005) was published in Beirut/Damascus in 2009).

Wiesehöfer, J.: Greeks and Persians. In: Raaflaub, K. and van Wees H. (eds.): The Blackwell Companion to Archaic Greece. Oxford, 162-185.

Wiesehöfer, J., Börm, H., and Ehrhardt, N.: Monumentum et Instrumentum Inscriptum. Festschrift f. Peter Weiß. Stuttgart.

Wiesehöfer, J.: The Achaemenid Empire. In: Morris, I. and Scheidel, W. (eds.): The Dynamics of Ancient Empires. Oxford-New York, S. 66-98.

Wiesehöfer, J.: Ein König erschließt und imaginiert sein Imperium: Persische Reichsordnung und persische Reichsbilder zur Zeit Dareios I. (522–486 v. Chr.). In: M. Rathmann (ed), Raumwahrnehmung und Raumerfassung in der Antike (Mainz, in press 2007).

Wiesehöfer, J.: From Achaemenid Imperial Order to Sasanian Diplomacy: War, Peace and Reconciliation in Pre-Islamic Iran. In: Raaflaub, K. (ed.): War and Peace in the Ancient World. Oxford, 121-140

Wiesehöfer, J., Luther, A. and Rollinger, R.: Getrennte Wege? Kommunikation, Raum und Wahrnehmung in der Alten Welt (Oikumene, 2). Frankfurt.

Wiesehöfer, J.: King, Court and Royal Representation in the Sasanian Empire. In: A. Spawforth (ed.): The Court and Court Society in Ancient Monarchies. Cambridge, 58-81.

Wiesehöfer, J.: The Achaemenid Empire in the 4th Century B.C.E. A Period of Decline? In: Lipschits, O. e.a. (eds.): Judah and the Judaeans in the 4th Century B.C.E., Winona Lake, 11-30.

Wiesehöfer, J.: ... keeping the two sides equal’: Thucydides, the Persians and the Peloponnesian War. In: Rengakos, A., Tsakmakis (eds.): A. Brill’s Companion to Thucydides. Leiden, 657-667.

Wiesehöfer, J. & Ph. Huyse: Ērān ud Anērān. Studien zu den Beziehungen zwischen dem Sasanidenreich und der Mittelmeerwelt. In: Oriens et Occidens 13. Stuttgart.

Wiesehöfer, J.: Das frühe Persien. Beck’sche Reihe Wissen (München, 3rd revised edition) [translations in Italian: La Persia antica, Bologna 2003, and Spanish: Antigua Persia, Madrid 2003].

Wiesehöfer, J.: Das antike Persien von 550 v. Chr. bis 651 n. Chr. (Zürich/München); 4th edition with bibliographical epilogue 2005; 426 pp., 32 plates, 6 figures, 4 maps; translation into Turkish: Antik Pers Tarihi (Istanbul 2003); translation into Arabic in preparation.

Wiesehöfer, J.: Ancient Persia. From 550 BC to 650 AD (London/New York 1996) 329 pp., 32 plates, 6 figures, 4 maps (revised translation of Wiesehöfer 1994; new-Persian translation published in Teheran 1998); 3rd edition = 2nd revised edition, London/New York 2004.

Wiesehöfer, J.: Bergvölker im antiken Nahen Osten: Fremdwahrnehmung und Eigeninteresse. In: S. Conermann and G. Haig (eds), Die Kurden – Studien zu ihrer Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur. Asien und Afrika 8 (Hamburg) 11–26.

Wiesehöfer, J.: ‘Pubertas’. In: Der Neue Pauly, Vol. 10 (Stuttgart/Weimar 2001).

Wiesehöfer, J.: ‘Sterblichkeit’. In: Der Neue Pauly, Vol. 11 (Stuttgart/Weimar).

Wiesehöfer, J.: ‘Iuvenes’, ‘Kindheit’, ‘Kindesaussetzung’, ‘Lebenserwartung’. In: Der Neue Pauly, Vol. 6 (Stuttgart/Weimar).

Wiesehöfer, J.: ‘Familienplanung’. In: Der Neue Pauly, Vol. 4 (Stuttgart/Weimar).

Wiesehöfer, J.: ‘Heiratsalter’, ‘Jugend’. In: Der Neue Pauly, Vol. 5 (Stuttgart/Weimar).

strong Wiesehöfer, J.: Ancient Persia. From 550 BC to 650 AD (London/New York 1996) 329 pp., 32 plates, 6 figures, 4 maps (revised translation of Wiesehöfer 1994; new-Persian translation published in Teheran 1998); 3rd edition = 2nd revised edition, London/New York 2004.

In progress
Liewert, Anne: Meteorological medicine in the Hippocratic Corpus

In progress
Moser, Daniela: Wood in the Roman Age: cultural landscapes, forest exploitation and timber circulation.

In progress
Krütgen, Nadine: Architecture of Roman villas in paintings and mosaics. Images of villas in the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity and their meaning.

In progress
Meurer, Philipp: Landscape, perception and imagination. Concepts of identity and alterity in Dutch landscape painting of the 16th and 17th century.

In progress
Aewerdieck, Björn: Signs in the sky. Interpretation and mastering of a spectacular sky phenomenon from Antiquity up to Early Modern Times.

In progress
Matarese, Chiara: Deportations of Peoples in the Achaemenid Empire.

In progress
Titova, Evgeniya: Empire building and identity development. The spatial and cultural aspects of the reign of Tigran the Great.

In progress
Balatti, Silvia: Mountain people in the Ancient Near East: the Case of the Zagros.

In progress
Boysen, Sara C.: Roman villa landscapes in ancient Italy. Literary perception, development, utilization.

In progress
Plischke, Sonja: The Seleucid kingdom and Iran - The Development of Empire-building in the East.

Henning Börm: Perser und Persisches bei Prokop (erscheint Stuttgart 2007): summa cum laude.

Annegret Wittram: Felix Jacoby und Kiel (erschienen: Frankfurt 2005): magna cum laude.
