- News
- Newsletter
- Staff and personal short news
- Doctoral Students: Dissertation Defenses
- Principal Investigator Cheryl Makarewicz (Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology) has successfully applied for a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The funding amounts to two million Euros over a five-year period. Her project “From herds to empire: Biomolecular and zooarchaeological investigations of mobile pastoralism in the ancient Eurasian steppe” (ASIAPAST) starts in spring 2018.
- Principal Investigator Almut Nebel received the Dorothea Erxleben female investigator award from the Cluster of Excellence “Inflammation at Interfaces”. She applied for the prize, which is endowed with 100.000 Euro research funding, with an innovative project to analyse the DNA of people from the Neolithic period in order to gain evolutionary-biological insights into inflammatory diseases. The award is named after Dorothea Erxleben, who in 1754 was the first woman in Germany to obtain a doctorate in the field of medicine.
- GS alumna Silvia Balatti has been awarded the “World Award for Book of the Year of Islamic Republic of Iran” for her PhD thesis “Mountain Peoples in the Ancient Near East: The Case of the Zagros in the First Millennium BCE”. The Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance established the annual award in 1993, aiming at selecting and introducing worthwhile international books to honour their authors, editors, and translators for elevating general knowledge and cultural awareness as well as developing public scholarship/ readership concerning Islamic and Iranian written heritage.
- GS alumnus Daniel Zwick was appointed to the research staff at the State Archaeological Department Schleswig-Holstein (ALSH) for the Interreg-funded “BalticRIM” project (Baltic Sea Region Integrated Maritime Cultural Heritage Management), which has the goal to integrate the underwater cultural heritage in maritime spatial planning in the Baltic Sea region. Almost all Baltic Sea littoral states are represented in this project, including Russia as the only non-EU state. Several transnational cooperation pilot cases are envisaged in an effort to establish a common standard. Through this initiative, underwater sites can be better protected in the future while synergies with other stakeholders (e.g. nature protection and tourism) can be created.
- Alumna Natalia Toma-Kansteiner has been awarded the Philippika-Preis for her PhD thesis “Marble and the Monumentalisation of the Urban Landscape of the Roman Cities”. The prize for exceptional, interdisciplinary dissertations is sponsored by Harrassowitz publishers. It was handed over at Trier University and covers the printing costs for publishing the thesis in the series “Philippika. Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen”.
- Former GS members Alicia Ventresca Miller and Ricardo Fernandes have taken up postdoctoral positions at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena.
- Doctoral student Stefan Magnussen is about to finish his dissertation and has already taken up a new post: On November 1, he has started work as a research fellow in the DFG-funded project “Mediation von Herrschaft an den Grenzen Lateineuropas im Spätmittelalter” at Leipzig University. Headed by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huschner, the project aims to compare stately negotiation processes in the four peripheral European regions of Red Ruthenia (Southeast Poland/ Western Ukraine), Southern Italy, the Kingdom of Valencia and Norway during the Late Middle Ages.
- Doctoral students Asli Oflaz and Joana Seguin are going to participate in the Onshore Science Party for the IODP Expedition 381 “Corinth Active Rift Development” in Bremen, Germany, starting on January 31, 2018. Their aim is to apply a multi-proxy approach, combining biomarkers and biogeochemical proxies to reconstruct marine and terrestrial climate and environmental variables in the Gulf of Corinth.
- Doctoral student Gianpiero di Maida was invited to introduce students of the University of Cologne to Sicilian rock art during the lecture “Bilder aus der Eiszeit” on November 30.
- Doctoral student Veronika Egetenmeyr participated in the international conference “Die Umgestaltung der römischen Welt – Neue Perspektiven, bekannte Probleme” with a talk about “Identities in the Letters of Sidonius Apollinaris: The Lebenswelt-Concept Reconsidered”. The conference was held in Greifswald from October 26–27.
- Doctoral student René Ohlrau presented aspects of his PhD research at the TOPOI discussion forum “Size matters – extra-large projects in the ancient world” which was held in Berlin from October 9–11. His talk was titled “Exceptional buildings in Trypillian mega-sites”.
- Doctoral student Claudia Ohlsen participated in the 41st congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, which was held in Marburg from September 20–23. The title of her talk within the session “‘Ländlichkeit’ als wirtschaftliche Ressource und alltagskulturelles Dispositiv” was titled “Raus aufs Land! Inwertsetzung von Ländlichkeit am Beispiel schleswig-holsteinischer Landevents”.
- Alumna Maren Biederbick gave a presentation on her PhD subject at the 11th International Conference of the Society for Emblem Studies in Nancy (France) in July 2017 (title of her talk: “Devises jamais vues. Les inventions morales de Gabriel Simeoni”) and at the ‘Driburger Kreis’ meeting “‘ […] Wissen ist begrenzt. ’ – Internationalität und Kosmopolitismus in den Wissenschaften”, Münster, September 2017 (title of her talk: “Ist Wissen begrenzt? – Kosmopolitischer Wissenstransfer durch internationale Embleme im 16. Jahrhundert”). Her paper “Tradition and Empirical Observation – Nature in Giovio’s and Symeoni’s Dialogo Dell’ Imprese from 1574” has recently been published in “Emblems and the Natural World” (“Intersections” 50, Chapter DOI: 10.1163/9789004347076_008).
- Johanna Brinkmann, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, has been awarded the “Deutscher Studienpreis” (German Studies Award) by the German Society for Pre- and Protohistory DGUF for her Master’s thesis “Arbeitsaufwandsberechnungen zu Bronzeartefakten – Diachroner Vergleich von Aufwand und Wert in Mitteleuropa”. The award was handed over to her on July 5 at the DGUF’s annual meeting in Mainz. Carola Metzner-Nebelsick from Munich University gave a laudatory speech.
- A group of GSHDL members attended the 5th PAGES (Past Global Changes) Open Science Meeting “Global Challenges for our Common Future: a Paleoscience Perspective” held in Zaragoza (Spain) from May 9–13. They presented the following posters: “Environmental change during the LBA-EIA-transition in S-Greece: climate forcing and human contribution” (Ingmar Unkel), “Holocene sediment fluxes by running water in Central Europe” (Stefan Dreibrodt), “Evidence for environmental change at around the Hekla 4 eruption from laminated lake sediments in Northern Germany” (Ingo Feeser), “Review of ‘The Beyşehir Occupation Phase’: possible marker assemblage pollen zone for the biostratigraphic division of the Late Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean or not?” (Asli Oflaz), “Environment, Climate and Human impact in the Central Alps since the last deglaciation: Small-scale mires as sedimentological and geochemical archives” (Clemens von Scheffer).
- Postdoctoral fellow Hermann Gorbahn was invited to participate in the conference “Transitions? Continuity and Discontinuity of Cultural Developments from the Mesolithic/ Epipalaeolithic to the Neolithic Period” of the DAI (German Archaeological Institute) Research Cluster 1 “From Sedentism to Complex Society: Settlement, Economy, Environment, Cult”. The meeting was organized by the DAI branch office in Madrid and was held at the Museu Nacional de Arqueologia in Lisbon from May 11–13. His talk was titled “Pernil Alto – The emergence of early agriculture in Southern Peru and its implications for early complex societies in the Central Andes”.
- Doctoral student Gianpiero di Maida presented aspects of his research at the meeting “Eiszeitliche Felskunst im Mittelmeergebiet. Neue Forschungen aus Sizilien und Südfrankreich” at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Cologne on March 16. His talk was titled “L’arte parietale del Tardiglaciale in Sicilia: nuove metodologie di ricerca e documentazione”.
- Doctoral student Marco Zanon participated in the “PAGES LandCover6k workshop and training course for scientists working in Asia”, which took place in Shijiazhung (China) from March 6–11. Marco’s contribution included a lecture titled “Coupling pollen spectra and remote sensing data – tree cover reconstructions using the Modern Analogue Technique” and a practical training session. The training session was concerned with pollen surface samples and modern analogue reconstructions. It contained an introduction on the use of metadata as a form of quality control in modern pollen samples, with a special focus on the importance of correct geolocation, followed by a short introduction on the use of the software R. The last and main part of the training dealt with modern analogue reconstructions based on the use of R.
- Doctoral student Gustav Wollentz organizes a seminar at Linnaeus University, Kalmar (Sweden) together with Bodil Petersson and Carolina Jonsson Malm. The seminar is titled “Memories of Violence and Oppression: Developing new uses of difficult heritage sites and landscapes”. It takes place on May 16-17, 2017.
- Doctoral student Veronika Egetenmeyr was invited for a guest lecture at the research colloquium of Ancient History at TU Darmstadt on January 10. The title of her talk was “Barbaren im Fokus. Fremdwahrnehmung in der gallischen Briefliteratur des 5. Jhs. n. Chr.”. On February 21/22, Veronika participated in the non-public workshop “Gallien zwischen ‘imperium’ und ‘regna’. Die Darstellung von Kontingenz und ihrer Bewältigung” in Bonn with a keynote talk about “Imago Aliorum – Wahrnehmung und Konstruktion von ‚Barbaren‘ in der gallischen Briefliteratur des 5. Jahrhunderts”. From March 23-26, Veronika is going to Yale University for her talk “Barbarians transformed: The Construction of Identity in the Epistles of Sidonius Apollinaris” at the “Shifting Frontiers XII — The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation” conference.
- GS alumnus Manuel Fernández-Götz, now lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh, has been awarded the £100,000 Philip Leverhulme Prize. Awarded annually by the Leverhulme Trust, this prize recognises the achievement of outstanding researchers – usually under the age of 38 – who have made an exceptional contribution to their area of study (in Manuel’s case the the Iron Age and the Roman Conquest), and are expected to continue to do so.
- Doctoral student Jessica Krause was invited to give a talk at the 6th Walter-de-Gruyter seminar of the Mommsen Society in Lutherstadt Wittenberg, October 7-9. Her presentation was titled “Theseus, der Held der Athener?”
- Doctoral student Daniel Zwick participated in the AKUWA (Arbeitskreis der Kommission für Unterwasserarchäologie) conference in Rostock on October 8 with a talk titled “Mittelalterliche Schiffshölzer, Kalfatklammern und Riemen: neue Forschungsergebnisse zu maritim-archäologischen Funden aus Hamburg und Stade”.
- Doctoral student Maren Biederbick presented part of her research results at the conference „Konflikt und Ausgleich. Möglichkeiten der Aushandlung in Städten der Vormoderne“ in Kiel on September 14. Her talk was titled „Von Cosimo il Vecchio zu Cosimo I. – Herrscher-Inszenierung der Medici durch Impresen-Anbringung im öffentlichen und privaten Raum“.
- Doctoral students Natàlia Égüez, Milinda Hoo, Jos Kleijne, Aslı Oflaz, Artur Ribeiro and Gustav Wollentz and postdoctoral fellow Liang Yang participated in the World Archaeology Congress in Kyoto from August 29 to September 2. They gave the following talks: “Threads and Traces: The Archaeologist as Detective” and “Has archaeology ever been phenomenological?” (both by Artur), “A heritage of belonging beyond ethnicity – Heritage and Memory-practices in the Balkans” and “Whose home is the Past? – The medieval battle of Kosovo Polje and the construction of narratives” (both by Gustav), “Migration and mobility and the Bell Beaker phenomenon in North Western Europe. Theoretical considerations to a practical problem” and “Innovation in prehistory, a case study of the 3rd millennium BC” (both by Jos), “Microstratigraphic analysis on a modern central Sahara pastoral campsite. Ovicaprine pellets and stabling floors as ethnographic referential data” and “Same but different. Management of dung in pastoral campsites along north to south Eastern Mongolia” (both by Natalia), “De- and reculturalizing culture? Transcultural views on hybrid architecture in Hellenistic Central Asia” (Milinda), “The Middle to Late Holocene human-environment interactions in western Turkey: A review of multi-proxy evidences” (Asli) and “Holocene climate change, disaster history and the urbanscape transitions in Athens” (Liang).
- Doctoral student Gianpiero di Maida participated in the PhD workshop “Theorising Digital Archaeology: Critically Engaging with the Digital Turn in Archaeology” which was organized by the Nordic Graduate School “Dialogues with the Past” and held in Athens from August 29-September 3.
- GS members Wiebke Kirleis, Helmut Kroll, Anna Elena Reuter and Anna Wierzgon and GS alumna Henrike Effenberger attended the 17th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany (IWGP), which took place in the National Museum for Natural History in Paris from July 4-9. Wiebke Kirleis presented results on the transition from hunting/ gathering to farming and the establishment of new subsistence strategies in the North-European Plain gained from the intensive archaeobotanical investigations which were conducted in the frame of the research program “Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation”. The paper she presented, titled “The late adaption of farming in the SW Baltic region in the Neolithic”, was co-authored by Walter Dörfler, Ingo Feeser, E. Fischer and Stefanie Kloos. Anna Elena Reuter focused her talk “The Early Byzantine Balkan area between Caričin Grad and the Lower Danube – An archaeobotanical perspective” on one topic of her PhD thesis “Pflanzen und Pflanzennutzung im Byzantinischen Reich” concerning food security strategies and urban agriculture reflected in the cereal spectra of Early Byzantine sites from present day Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. Henrike Effenberger presented results of her PhD thesis “Pflanzennutzung und Ausbreitungswege von Innovationen im Pflanzenbau der Nordeuropäischen Bronzezeit und angrenzender Regionen” in a poster co-authored by Almut Alsleben: “The plant economy of the Northern European Bronze Age: More than just Emmer”.
- Doctoral student Stephanie Merten presented aspects of her PhD project at the 22nd annual conference of the Mittel- und Ostdeutscher Verband für Altertumsforschung e.V. and the 83rd Verbandstagung des West- und Süddeutschen Verbandes für Altertumsforschung e.V., Thementag Stadt / frühstädtische Siedlungen, held at Technical University Chemnitz on March 30. Her talk was titled “Architektur (wird ge)formt. Eine Standortbestimmung von Klassischer Archäologie, Urbanistik und Architektursoziologie”.
- Doctoral student Milinda Hoo was invited speaker at several scientific events in the Netherlands. On February 28 and 29, she participated in the TMA (Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie) Symposium “Interconnectivity: People and Ideas” in Groningen with a talk titled “Lady Moon on the Oxus. Bactrianism, Hellenism, or otherwise? A globalization approach to a contested site in Central Asia”. On February 24, she gave the same talk at Utrecht University in the seminar “The Ancient World”. On February 25, Milinda was invited to lecture at Leiden University in the seminar “Ways of Doing Greek: Hellenism in the ancient Mediterranean and western Eurasia”. Here, her talk was titled “What is Greek in Central Eurasia?”. Also as an invited speaker, Milinda took part in the “Hellenistic Central Asia Colloquium: Current Research, New Directions” in Reading (UK) from April 15-17 with the paper “Think global, act local? Cultural strategies in ancient Central Asia”.
- Doctoral student Gianpiero di Maida presented his research to mostly Italian colleagues at the First Annual Meeting of Prehistory and Protohistory (Primo incontro annuale di Preistoria e Protostoria) organized by the Italian Institute for Prehistory and Protohistory (IIPP) in Genoa on February 4-5. Furthermore, Gianpiero participated in the seventh meeting of the Fachgruppe Archäologische Ausgrabung im Verband der Restauratoren: “Vom Drunter und Drüber – Techniken der Archäologischen Spurensicherung” at HTW Berlin from April 13-16. Here he presented aspects of his research, specifically the 3D methods, in a talk titled “3D-Dokumentation von spätglazialer Felskunst aus Sizilien: die Höhlen von Levanzo und Addaura”.
- Doctoral student René Ohlrau presented aspects of his PhD project at the workshop “Societies of Cities, Societies of Tents. Architectonic Modes of the Collective Existence. Cross-cultural Studies“, held at Wuppertal University on February 26-27. His talk was titled “Trypillia Großsiedlungen: Architektur und Gesellschaft im Wandel“.
- Doctoral student Nicole Grunert attended the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE) in Vienna from April 25-29, presenting a poster titled “From House to Temple – Space Syntax Analysis on tripartite Houses”.
- Doctoral student Jos Kleijne participated in the Archéologie et Gobelets workshop in Arles and Montpellier, May 11-15. He presented a paper titled “To be or not to Beaker? Pottery, settlements, and changing traditions at the end of the Late Neolithic in Western and Central Europe”. The next meeting of this network of Bell Beaker specialists is set for May 2017 in Kiel, then organized by Jos Kleijne.
- PhD students Stefan Magnussen and Philipp Grassel and alumnus Ricardo Fernandes contributed to the Science Show at Kiel University’s Night of the Profs 2015 on November 20. In a voting by the audience, the “Future Profs at Night” of the Science Show reached second place out of 31 presentations (winner and “Prof of the Night” was Wolfgang Duschl). Academic staff members Hans Rudolf Bork and Bernhard Thalheim also participated in the event with talks adapted to the mainly lay audience.
- Gustav Wollentz and Artur Ribeiro participated in the Current Ethnoarchaeology Conference in Rome on November 25-27. The title of their joint presentation was “Time as the fourth dimension: bridging gaps between disciplines and distant events”.
- Maren Biederbick presented aspects of her PhD project at the conference “Emblems and the Natural World (1500-1700), which was held in Münster on December 17-19. Her talk focused on “Aves, Arbores Quadrupedesque – Curios Behaviour of Nature in Giovio’s and Symeoni’s Dialogo dell’imprese militari et amorose from 1575”.
- Veronika Egetenmeyr attended the National University of Ireland’s Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Medieval Conference “Imbas 2015: Perspectives of the World in the Late Antique and Medieval Period” in Galway, November 20-22. Her presentation was titled “sub hac tempestate bellorum Latina tenuerunt ora portum – Sidonius Apollinaris and his perception of “barbarians” through metaphors”.
- Kathrin Marterior visited the Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe (Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas – GWZO) at the University of Leipzig as a guest fellow from November 9-13. During her stay there, she gave a talk related to and bearing the title of her dissertation: “Slavische Siedlungen im östlichen Holstein: eine zweisprachige Sprachlandschaft?”
- As a part of the series of talks “Schleswigsche Gespräche“, Stefan Magnussen is going to give insight into his research about castles in Schleswig on February 1, 2016. His talk, titled “Mehr als nur die Duburg, Sonderburg und Gottorf – Schleswig als Burgenlandschaft”, takes place in the Deutsches Haus in Flensburg. “Schleswigsche Gespräche – German-Danish encounters“ are organized by the Bund Deutscher Nordschleswiger, the German minority’s umbrella organization in Southern Denmark.
- Welmoed Out has left the Graduate School by the end of October. She is now employed at the Moesgaard Museum near Aarhus, Denmark. All the best!
- Ingmar Unkel has been appointed Professor for Environmental History at the Institute for Ecosystem Research of Kiel University. He started as a Junior Professor at the Graduate School in September 2009.
- Daniela Moser attended the 6th International Anthracology Meeting “Local to global significance of charcoal science” in Freiburg (Germany), from August 30 to September 6 with an oral presentation and a poster. Her talk was about “Soil charcoal analysis at Cecita Lake (Sila Massif, southern Italy): A useful tool to understand local environmental change” and the poster about “Timber for building in the Vesuvius area during the 1st century AD: Wooden and charcoal remains from Oplontis and Herculaneum (Naples, southern Italy).
- Kathrin Marterior participated in the annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists 2015, which took place in Glasgow on September 2-5. Within the session “Place-names and Archaeology: inter-disciplinary perspectives in a European context”, she presented aspects of her onomastic research in a paper titled “Mixed Names as an indicator of Slavic-German settlements?”
- Jos Kleijne co-organized the conference „3e Metaaltijdendag: ‘Van heinde en verre: contact- en uitwisselingsnetwerken in materiele en culturele zin’”, which was held in Amersfoort on October 17. He presented a paper titled “to Be or not to Beaker? Veranderende gemeenschappen aan het eind van het Neolithicum in Europa”.
- Gianpiero di Maida was invited to give a public lecture at the Geological Museum in Palermo on October 21. His talk, titled “Sicilian Graffiti – L’Arte parietal del Tardoglaciale in Sicilia: Una Revisione del Record e nuove Metodologie di Analisi” was part of the 3rd “Week of the Planet Earth”, an event dedicated to Geosciences.
- Hans-Rudolf Bork and Verena Winiwarter (Klagenfurt University) recently published the book “Geschichte unserer Umwelt. Sechzig Reisen durch die Zeit” („History of our Environment. 60 Journeys through time“). The German Environment Foundation (Deutsche Umweltstiftung) has now awarded the title „Environment book of the year“ („Umweltbuch des Jahres“) to the volume. In February, “Geschichte unserer Umwelt” was already honoured as “Science book of the year” (“Wissenschaftsbuch des Jahres”) by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Buchkultur publishers.
- Two new colleagues have recently joined the joint GS/ Johanna Mestorf Academy office. Angelika Hoffmann worked at the GS in its early days (2006/07) before switching to the cluster of excellence “Future Ocean” and its integrated graduate school ISOS. Since April 2015, she has been filling the vacant project assistant position at the JMA. The new secretary at the GS is Boris Gudschun, he started in early May and brings along CAU experience from an earlier engagement at a collaborative research centre at the Faculty of Engineering. Both new colleagues are located in Room 123 at the GS building.
- In 2011 the conference “Human Development in Sacred Landscapes” was held at Delphi, financially supported by the Graduate School. A volume presenting essays from the conference has now been published, edited by Lutz Käppel and Vassiliki Pothou: Human Development in Sacred Landscapes – Between Ritual Tradition, Creativity and Emotionality (ISBN 978-3-8471-0252-6).
- Sandra Kiesow was invited to give a talk titled “Sao Tomé, das Reich von Kakao und Schokolade” at the Deutsch-Iberoamerikanische Gesellschaft (German-Ibero-American Society) in Kiel on April 23.
- Kathrin Marterior participated in the 7th international conference of the group “Frühe Neuzeit Interdisziplinär (FNI)”, which took place from March 5-7 at the Vanderbilt University in Nashville/ Tennessee. The main focus was on any aspect of names and naming in early modern Germany. Many of the 50+ papers analysed names from a historical point of view without considering what a name de facto is. Kathrin’s paper “The settlement names in Early Modern Germany” presented an analysis from a linguistic aspect and pointed out the characteristic of names. The conference group “Frühe Neuzeit Interdisziplinär (FNI)” supports and promotes interdisciplinary research on the culture, politics and society of German-speaking Central Europe during the early modern period (1400 to 1750).
- Daniela Moser presented aspects of her PhD research at the workshop “Historical Wood Utilization. Transport of Timber” in Hallstatt (Austria) from May 13-17. Her talk was titled “Wood across the Empire: evidences of imported timber in southern Italy during the Roman Age”. Furthermore, Daniela is going to attend the 6th International Anthracology Meeting “Local to global significance of charcoal science” in Freiburg (Germany), from August 30 to September 6 with an oral presentation and a poster. Her talk is about “Soil charcoal analysis at Cecita Lake (Sila Massif, southern Italy): a useful tool to understand local environmental change” and the poster about “Timber for building in the Vesuvius area during the 1st century AD: wooden and charcoal remains from Oplontis and Herculaneum (Naples, southern Italy).
- Artur Ribeiro participated in two conferences on theoretical archaeology: At the XV Nordic TAG meeting in Copenhagen, April 16-18, he presented some aspects of his work with a presentation titled “Mereological problems: Challenges to OOO in archaeology”. From May 22-24, Artur participated in the USA TAG in New York with a presentation titled “Historical narrative vs. cognitive archaeology: philosophical problems in archaeological interpretation”.
- Johannes Müller has been elected as a member of the Executive Committee (Zentraldirektion) of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI). The Executive Committee is the supervisory board of the DAI and consists of representatives of the archaeology of ancient cultures and related sciences who are drawn from universities, museums and other scientific institutions.
- Natalia Toma was awarded the Norman Herz Price for her poster “Aphrodisias and the regional marble trade. The case of the scaenae frons of the theatre at Nysa” at the 11th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA XI), held in Split (Croatia) from May 18-23. Natalia presented further aspects of her research in a second poster titled “A Corinthian capital of ‘Pietra di Aurisena’ on Proconnesos. A prototype for quarry production or a stray find?” and in the oral presentation “Standardised production of monolithic shafts. New evidence concerning the imperial building industry”.
- Marion Bonazzi contributed to some interesting research results, published in Scientific Reports: Giant deers might have lived in Central Europe much longer than assumed so far. Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 10853, doi:10.1038/srep10853.
- Katharina Fuchs presented aspects of her research at two international conferences in St. Louis (USA). At the North American Meeting of the Paleopathological Association, held from March 24–25, she showed a poster on “Comparative Analyses of the Mandible. Pathological case studies from the prehistoric North Caucasus and Turkey”. On March 26, Katharina gave a talk at the 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Her presentation, co-authored by Julia Gresky, was about “The prevalence of caries in Bronze Age populations from the Northern Caucasus”.
- Milinda Hoo was awarded the 2nd place out of 32 nominations at the national Dutch Volkskrant-IISG (International Institute of Social History) master thesis prize 2014 in the field of national or international history. The title of her thesis is ‘Culture at the Crossroads: a study into the development of a transregional artistic style in ancient Central Asia, fourth century BCE – first century CE’.
- Jelena Steigerwald organized a workshop in Berlin about the system of forced labor under the Nazi Regime from June 21-22. This was part of her beginning post-doc-project about “Memorial Landscapes of the Holocaust and Massacre during World War II”, which started in August 2014. The self-organized workshop was co-financed by the Graduate Center of Kiel University.
- Jessica Susanne Krause and Chiara Matarese presented aspects of their PhD research at “Iranian Worlds”, the Eighth Symposium of the Melammu Project, held at Kiel University on 11-15 November. Jessica’s talk was titled “Greek and Near Eastern Hero Concepts”, Chiara’s “Deportations in the Achaemenid Empire”. Kleoniki Rizou attended the conference with a poster titled “The Greek Muses“. The event was organized by Josef Wiesehöfer and Sara C. Boysen.
- Anna-Elena Reuter has been invited to present aspects of her PhD project at the conference on Environmental Archaeology of European Cities, which will be held in Brussels between 27 and 29 May 2015. Her talk is titled “Walnuts, Grapevine and Rye – Urban Food Production and Consumption of the Early Byzantine City Caricin Grad “Justiniana Prima” (Southern Serbia)”.
- Karina Iwe presented aspects of her PhD research at the PhD course “Encountering Imagery: New strategies for using images as a source material for studies of the past”. The course was organized by the The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology “Dialogues with the Past” and was held in Berlin on November 3-6. Karina’s presentation was titled “Encountering images of the Scytho-Siberian Animal Style“.
- Julia Menne participated in a conference on the occasion of archaeologist Elisabeth Schlicht’s 100th birthday. At the meeting in Meppen on November 28, Julia gave a talk titled “Große Steine im Emsland . Die Erforschung der Megalithgräber”.
- Jessica Susanne Krause presented aspects of her PhD research project at the conference “New approaches to the temple of Zeus at Olympia” in Budapest, May 8-10. Her presentation was titled “Lucianus, Herodotus and the Westpediment”.
- Together with Bisserka Gaydarska (University of Durham), Graduate School alumna Bettina Schulz Paulsson has edited the volume “Neolithic and Copper Age Monuments – Emergence, function and the social construction of the landscape”. It has recently been published in the British Archaeological Reports International Series (BAR S2625) and contains, among others, an article by Schulz Paulsson about megaliths on Corsica, Sardinia and Malta, a contribution by GS alumnus Fevzi Kemal Moetz on Early Neolithic buildings in Upper Mesopotamia, and a paper by former GS member Doris Mischka concerning plough marks in Early Neolithic Northern Central Europe. The volume is primarily composed of papers presented during a session at the 15th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. A preview of the contents is available here: http://bit.ly/1vPKzJR.
- Christian Horn and guest researcher Anne Lene Melheim, who spent some time at the Graduate School earlier this year, have recently published a paper on the complexity of Early Bronze Age weapons depositions, see: Melheim, L. and Horn, C. (2014): Tales of hoards and swordfighters in Early Bronze Age Scandinavia. The brand new and the broken. Norwegian Archaeological Review 47 (1), 18-41. It is available as a PDF via the GS website: Melheim_Horn_2014.pdf.”; ?>
- Karina Iwe participated in a workshop for doctoral students on “Erkundungs- und Entdeckungsfahrten bis an die Grenzen der Oikoumene (9. Jh. v. Chr. – 2. Jh. n. Chr.)” (“Exploration and discovery trips to the boundaries of the Oecumene”) in Madrid from June 16-20 with a presentation titled “Netzwerksystem in den Grenzregionen” (“Network system in border regions”). The workshop was organized by the DAI Madrid and the École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques.
- Wiebke Kirleis has been appointed Professor for Environmental Archaeology at the Institute for Pre- and Protohistory of Kiel University. She started as a Junior Professor at the Graduate School in May 2008, thus she is the first tenured professor, guaranteeing the continuity of this new field of research.
- The book “Tells: Social and Environmental Space. Proceedings of the International Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes II (14th-18th March 2011)” in Kiel.”, edited by Robert Hofmann, Fevzi Kemal Moetz and Johannes Müller, has been reviewed in the latest issue of Antiquity (Vol. 88, Issue 339, March 2014).
Reviewer Jesse Casana states that “[…] many papers in this volume will be of great interest to archaeologists working in those areas and, collectively, they reveal a wealth of landscape-based research strategies that help illuminate the tell-based settlements of the Old World.” - Maren Biederbick has published a paper related to her PhD project: “Das Bildprogramm an der Corswandt-Grabkapelle in St. Nikolai zu Greifswald”, in: Ingrid Höpel (ed.): Architektur als Ort für Embleme. Beiträge zu einer Tagung des Kunsthistorischen Instituts der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel am 26.01.2013, Kiel 2014, (Mundus Symbolicus, 2), pp. 43-57.
On May 20 (6 p.m., Murmann lecture hall, Leibnizstr. 1), Maren participated in the “Docstalks” lecture series by PhD students of Kiel University. Her talk was titled “‘Plus-Ultra’ – Der Ursprung des Dollarsymbols. Die Devise Karls V. im Wandel durch Zeit und Raum”. - Katja Winkler presented an aspect of her PhD project at the colloquium to celebrate Benno Gramsch’ 80th birthday. Her talk was titled “Die spätpaläolithischen Plätze Golßen und Burow”. The colloquium took place on April 11 at the Archäologische Landesmuseum in Brandenburg/Havel.
Presented a poster about “Ahrensburgian and Swiderian of the Younger Dryas on both sides of the middle Oder River. A research based on archaeological data and natural conditions in the Late Glacial” at the meeting of the UISPP Commission for the Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia. The commission met at Schloss Gottorf on November 5-7. - Nicole Taylor former associated PhD student of the Graduate School, has re-joined us as a post-doctoral fellow.
- Kathrin Marterior and Julia Menne presented aspects of their PhD research projects at the IX. International Slavistic Conference at Kiel University on April 11-12. Julia’s presentation was titled “Blickfeld der Archäologen. Slaven in Holstein”, whereas Kathrin talked about “Die slavischen Siedlungen in Holstein: eine bilingual Sprachlandschaft?”.Julia also participated in the 2nd Student’s Archaeology Symposium in Bamberg from April 24 to 26. During the session on settlement and agrarian organization, she talked about “Studies on the Funnel Beaker West Group in European Comparison”.
- Heiko Scholz will participate in the conference “Der Grabhügel von Seddin im Kontext der Bronzezeit in Norddeutschland und Südskandinavien” in Brandenburg/Havel from June 17 to 19. He is invited to present his paper “Der Fund von Seddin im Kontext der bronzezeitlichen Hortlandschaft im zentralen Norddeutschland”.
- Sandra Kiesow provided insights into her research area during a talk at the German-Ibero-American Society, Schleswig Holstein on May 8. Under the title “Madeira – Perle im Atlantik” (“Madeira – Pearl in the Atlantic Ocean”), she focuses on cultural and botanic aspects of the island.
- Andrey Mitusov won the poster prize of the AEA Autumn Conference for his contribution titled “Conception of the Calculation of Landscape Limits for Inhabitants Based on Terrain Fragmentation by Landform Types”.
- Marion Bonazzi was awarded the EvE (Evolution and Ecology) Award for her master thesis: “Quantitative evaluation of the ancient DNA losses during computed tomography scanning of paleontological remains” from the Institute for Evolution and Ecology of the Eberhardt Karls Universität Tübingen.
- Philipp Meurer published an essay titled “Representations of Reality, Constructions of Meaning. Netherlandish Winter Landscapes during the Little Ice Age and Olafur Eliasson’s “Glacier Series”” in the collective volume “Aesth/Ethics in Environmental Change – Hiking through the arts, ecology, religion and ethics of the environment” (Eds. Sigurd Bergmann, Irmgard Blindow, Konrad Ott, LIT Verlag 2013).
- Claudia Ohlsen was “live on air” in the Deutschlandfunk radio programme “Lebenszeit” ( www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/lebenszeit/2221444/) on August 23 from 10:10 to 11:30 a.m. The title of the broadcast is “Der Großstadt den Rücken kehren? Der Traum vom Landleben” (“Turning one’s back on the big city? The dream of rural life”). Claudia and several other guests in the studio discussed current developments and answer related questions.
A few days before her nationwide radio appearance, on August 20 Claudia participated in the congress “100 Jahre alt oder 66 Jahre jung. Die Geschichte und Entwicklung der LandFrauen in Schleswig-Holstein” (“100 years old or 66 years young. The history and development of the country women in Schleswig-Holstein). She talked about “Kultfaktor Landleben” (“Cult factor rural life”). The event was organized by the Verein zur Förderung der Weiterbildung im LandFrauenVerband Schleswig-Holstein and took place at Ludwigsburg manor near Eckernförde.
The “Radio Voice” of the Graduate School, had another on-air appearance in late February. She joined detektor.fm’s Forschungsquartett to discuss “Mythos “Landidylle”: Stadtlust statt Landlust”. You can hear or read the discussion (in German) here: http://detektor.fm/kultur/forschungsquartett-mythos-landidylle-stadtlust-statt-landlust/ - Welmoed Out has started as postdoctoral fellow for the development of innovative archaeobotanical proxies on August 1.
- Daniel Zwick was invited to present a paper on “Interpreting the ‘Beluga Ship’: a 15th-century shipwreck with Scandinavian features from Bremen” at the conference “Hanseatic Trade in the North Atlantic: New Discoveries from Archaeology and History” on 29 May to 1 June, 2013 in Avaldsnes, Norway.
- “Baalbek, Lissos und Kisten voller Knochen – Archäozoologie als Konsumforschung” is the title of the presentation that Anja Prust held at the DAI (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut) in Berlin on January 30, 2013. Anja also gave insight into her PhD research at the Institute for Classical Archaeology of Kiel University on February 7.
- Together with GS alumnus Fevzi Kemal Moetz, Graduate School members Antonia Davidovic and Bettina Schulz Paulsson organized a workshop at the World Archaeological Congress (WAC) in Jordan (January 13 – 18, 2013). The workshop on January 15 was titled “Understanding monumentality: motivations, mentalités and the significance of early monuments for past societies”. A press release by Bettina Schulz Paulsson and Denis Schimmelpfennig, including some photos, is available for download.
- Ricardo Fernandes attended two international conferences in September. At the Joint European Stable Isotope Users group Meeting (JESIUM 2012, September 2 to 7 in Leipzig) he held a talk on “Quantitative isotope-based reconstruction of medieval diet at Vlissingen (The Netherlands)” and presented a poster titled “Isotopic changes of fish flesh caused by cooking associated with its macronutrient composition”. From September 27 to 29, Ricardo went to Esbjerg (Denmark) to attend the “Scientific Methods in Archaeology” conference (SMIA X). There he gave a talk on “Reconstructing ancient diets using a novel Bayesian approach” and presented two posters titled “Cooking makes a difference: changes in raw fish isotopic signature (?13C and ?15N) caused by different cooking methods” and “Reservoir effect in pre-historic shell midden humans (Western Cape, SA) detected by 14C differences in bone collagen and bioapatite”.
- Karina Iwe presented a paper at the “5. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag: Rot – Die Archäologie bekennt Farbe”, which took place in Halle (Saale) from October 4 to 6, 2012. Her talk was titled “Tatort Sibirien: Auf den Spuren der Farbe Rot”.
- Anja Prust and Christine Schuh attended the 9th GAPA (Gesellschaft für Archäozoologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie) conference in Vienna from September 18 to 20, 2012. Both presented papers there: Anja held a talk titled “Zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel – Tierwirtschaft in den römischen Mittelmeerprovinzen”, Christine gave a talk on “Kulturelle Kontakte am nördlichen Oberrhein im frühen Mittelalter aus archäologischer und isotopenchemischer Sicht”.
- Daniel Zwick presented a case study on variations in medieval shipbuilding at the 13th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (ISBSA) in Amsterdam from October 8 to 12, 2012. The technological variations reflect the regional importance of Bremen as transshipment point between river and seagoing vessels, as much as the internationality of its port. The most “exotic” shipwreck appears to be a Scandinavian ship built of wainscot planks from the Baltic and dates into the period, in which the extensive timber trade from the eastern Baltic rim to central Europe set off. A German version of this study has been published already in the “Holzbau in Mittelalter und Neuzeit”-themed DGAMN proceedings. Moreover, Daniel published an article in the proceedings of the international workshop “Raumbildung durch Netzwerke?” (which had been organised in conjunction with this graduate school) in which medieval sea routes are reconstructed, the importance of terrestrial navigation in the Baltic Sea emphazised, and a cognitive and phenomentological approach on maritime landscapes in a – literally – uncharted sea in terms of the contemporary medieval cosmography pursued.
- Hermann Gorbahn held a talk on “The Middle Archaic Site of Pernil Alto, Southern Peru: the beginnings of horticulture and sedentariness in mid-Holocene conditions” at the 54th International Congress of Americanists (ICA), which took place in Vienna (Austria) from July 15 to 20.
- Philipp Meurer presented his new book “Natur im Bewusstsein der Differenz” (LIT, Münster 2012) at the Caspar-David-Friedrich-Zentrum in Greifswald on May 3.
- Stefan Inderwies presented a paper on “The Formation of Urban Management Committees in Medieval Holstein” at the 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, which was held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo (USA) from May 10 to 13.
- Ricardo Fernandes held a talk on a “Quantitative approach to ancient diet reconstruction and reservoir effect correction” at the 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry, which took place in Leuven (Belgium) from May 28 to June 1. Besides his talk, Ricardo also presented three posters on the “Influence of cooking on the isotopic signals of fish species”, “EDTA-solution based protocols for the cleaning of ancient bone bioapatite”, and “Collagen-bioapatite radiocarbon age differences linked to reservoir effect”. From July 9 to 13, Ricardo also participated in the 21st International Radiocarbon Conference in Paris, where he gives talks on the “Characterization of reservoir effects in the Mecklenburg Lake District” and on the formerly mentioned “Quantitative approach to ancient diet reconstruction and reservoir effect correction”. In Paris, he also presents his posters on “Collagen-bioapatite radiocarbon age differences linked to reservoir effect” and “Bone: to powder or not to powder?”
- Frank Förster and his co-authors Hanno Kinkel, Annegret Larsen, Uta Lungershausen, Chiara Matarese, Philipp Meurer, Oliver Nelle, Vincent Robin, and Michael Teichmann presented their paper “What is landscape? Towards a common concept within an interdisciplinary research environment” at the 2nd International Landscape Archaeology Conference, which took place in Berlin from June 6 to 9. Other Graduate School members also participated in the event. Oliver Nakoinz held a talk on “Models of centrality”. Anja Prust and Tim Schroedter presented posters and Anja placed 2nd in the poster competition. Andrea Ricci contributed to the paper “The Neolithic on the move. High resolution settlement dynamics and their impact on archaeological landscape studies in southwest Azerbaijan”, which his co-authors Tevekkül Aliyev and Barbara Helwing presented there.
- Stefan Dreibrodt is among the organizers of the annual convention of the working group for Geoarchaeology within the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie (German Society for Geography) in 2015. The event titled “Standortbestimmung Geo-Archäologie: Probleme und Defizite, Chancen und Potentiale” will take place at Kiel University in mid-May 2015. The concept of the convention is to bring together archaeologists and geoscientists working in the same location to give complementary talks focusing on the pertinent issues.
- Dr. Vincent Robin was invited to present his PhD research at a special seminar about forest ecology on January 13. It took place at the CNRS Institute of Mediterranean Biodiversity and Ecology of the Aix-Marseille University (France).
- Ricardo Fernandes MSc participates in the workshop “Progress and pitfalls – New archaeometric research of Stone Age remains in the Baltic Sea region” in Helsinki (Finland) on March 22 and 23. Ricardo is an invited keynote speaker and has prepared two talks: “Quantitative approach to ancient diet reconstruction and reservoir effect correction” and “Characterization of reservoir effect in the Mecklenburg lake district”. Graduate School members Dr Marie-Josée Nadeau and Professor Pieter Grootes also attend the workshop.
- Rémi Berthon MA advertised results of his PhD project at the International Ilisu Dam Archaeology Symposium which was held in Mardin from October 19 to 22. His presentation was titled “Animal Exploitation and Socio-economic Organization in the Ilisu Dam Area during the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC”.
- Ricardo Fernandes MSc gave a talk titled “Reservoir effect: establishing ancient chronologies based on the radiocarbon dating of human remains” at the Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig on October 10.
- Frank Förster MA MLIS presented a poster on “Data and Information Management for Humanist Researchers (Text and Things)” at the conference “Supporting Digital Humanities: Answering the unaskable”, which was held in Copenhagen from November 17 to 18. From December 5 to 9, Frank stayed in Cape Town, attending the conference “Outposts of Progress: Joseph Conrad, Modernism and (Post)colonialism”. There he gave a talk titled “Illustrating Conrad: An Outlook on Progress?” At the “Knowledge/Culture/Social Change International Conference” in Sydney from November 7 to 9, Frank talked about “Integrating Knowledge from Libraries, Museums etc. into University Culture”.
- Ralph Grossmann MA presented a poster about the dialectic relation between the Neolithic cultures of Corded Ware and Bell Beaker at two occasions: firstly, the 50th anniversary International Conference of the discovery of Petit-Chasseur in Sion (Valais, Switzerland) from October 27 to 30; and secondly, the Corded Days International conference in Kraków (Poland) from December 1 to 2.
- Daniel Zwick MA presented a paper on variations in medieval shipbuilding at the 7th German Archaeology Congress in Bremen on October 10. From November 18 to 20, Daniel participated in the 2nd “MARIS PhD-researchers network” workshop in Helsinki, Finland. This network provides an exchange platform for PhD students in maritime archaeology around the Baltic Sea.
- Ricardo Fernandes MSc gave a talk about “Reservoir effect: establishing ancient chronologies based on the radiocarbon dating of human remains” at the European Association of Archaeologists 17th Annual Meeting from September 14 to 18 in Oslo. He also presented a paper on this issue at the Department of Physics of Aarhus University on September 9.
The article “Deletion/Substitution/Addition (DSA) model selection algorithm applied to the study of archaeological settlement patterning” authored by Ricardo, Geert Geeven, Steven Soetens, and Vera Klontza-Jaklova was published in the Journal of Archaeological Science (Volume 38, Issue 9, September 2011, Pages 2293-2300). - Natalia Toma-Kansteiner MA is going to present an aspect of her PhD project at the colloquium “Antike Bauornamentik – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ihrer Erforschung” which takes place in Munich from October 13 to 15. The title of Natalia’s talk is “Vom Marmorblock zum Halbfabrikat. Ein neuer Vorschlag zum Entwurf und Herstellungsprozess eines korinthischen Kapitells in der Kaiserzeit”.
- Frank Förster MA MLIS presented a paper titled “Illustrating Conrad in Germany” at the 5th International Joseph Conrad Conference “Conrad’s Polish Footprints”, which took place in Lublin from July 12 to 16. At the “Knowledge/Culture/Social Change International Conference” in Sydney from November 7 to 9, Frank talks about “Integrating Knowledge from Libraries, Museums etc. into University Culture”.
- Merle Zeigerer presented her PhD project at the colloquium of Professor Birgit Aschmann, Humboldt University Berlin, on June 27 and at the colloquium of Professor Jürgen Zimmerer, Hamburg University, on July 14.
- Michael Teichmann MA talked about aspects of his PhD project “Landschaftsarchäologische Forschungen zum südwestlichen, küstennahen Latium” at the Colloquium of Classical Archaeology, Bonn University, on July 8.
- Numerous members of the Graduate School have participated in this year’s INQUA conference in Bern, Switzerland. Wiebke Kirleis, Mara Weinelt and Walter Dörfler convened the session “Climate, Environment, and Economy in the North and Central European Neolithic” together with Felix Bittmann and Ingo Feeser. Kirleis, Johannes Müller, and Stefan Dreibrodt delivered oral presentations, while Marta Dal Corso Sarah Diers, Hannes Knapp, Doris Mischka, Daniela Moser, Vincent Robin, Mykola Sadovnik and others went to Bern with posters about their scientific work. Ingmar Unkel spoke in the session “Geoarchaeology: Paleoenvironments and Human Interactions”, while Elke Hänssler and Christian Heymann took part in poster sessions.
- Dipl.-Inf. Robert Wulff and Monica de Cet MA participated in the 39th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2011) in Beijing from April 12 to 16. Robert presented a paper entitled “Towards a System for Semantic Image-Based 3D Documentation of Archaeological Trenches”. Monica presented a poster.
- Philipp Meurer MA participated in the workshop “Art & Nature in the Early Modern Period” at Aarhus University on May 12 and 13. He presented a paper on “Pieter Bruegel the Elder’s Large Alpine Landscape and the Problem of Historical Perspectives”. The workshop, which was moderated by the art historians Lisbet Tarp (Aarhus University) and Claire Farago (University of Colorado), had a special focus on interdisciplinary methodology and the relationship between science and art.
- Daniel Zwick MA held a paper on May 25 at the University of Bologna’s International Summer School with the annual theme “The Baltic and Mediterranean: A Cultural Bridge between Northern and Southern Europe” in Cattolica, Italy.
Marta Dal Corso MA was awarded the first prize of the poster contest during the International Workshop of the Graduate School. On the poster Marta presented an aspect of her PhD thesis, which focuses on environmental history and development of the human landscape in a north-eastern Italian lowland during Bronze Age. Heiko Scholz placed second in the poster contest, Merle Zeigerer was awarded the third prize.
- Karina Iwe MA participated in the 6th International Symposium Radiocarbon & Archaeology in Pafos (Cyprus) from April 10 to 15. On April 12, she presented a paper on “Dynamic interaction of the Animal Style in Eurasia during the Iron Age (on selected examples from the 9th to 3rd century BC)”.
From March 25 to 27, Karina took part in the anniversary conference 20 Jahre FemArc-Netzwerk archäologisch arbeitender Frauen (20 years FemArc-Women’s Network in Archaeology) in Heilbronn which focused on prehistoric and ancient goddesses. She held a lecture on “Göttinnen bei den Skythen” (Goddesses of the Scythians) on March 26. - On June 4th, Stefan Inderwies MA is going to present a paper at the conference “1111 – 2011: 900 Jahre Belehnung des Hauses Schauenburg mit Holstein und Stormarn: Ansätze und Perspektiven der Forschung” in Itzehoe. He talks about “Die Schauenburger als Städtegründer und als Stadtherren”.
- Stefan Inderwies MA participated in the conference “Slesvig gennem tiden” at Syddansk Universitet, Odense, on January 21. He there presented a paper on “The relations between the Counts of Holstein and urban management committees shown by the example of towns built by the House of Schauenburger in the 13th century”.
- Michael Teichmann MA has been granted a one-term visiting fellowship at the Digital Institute for Archaeology, University of Arkansas. Having started on January 18, he plans to work in the fields of Advanced Raster GIS, Society and Environment and Settlement Archaeology during his stay in Fayetteville.
On December 15, Michael presented a paper at the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (Rethymno/Crete) on geo- and landscape archaeological investigations in central Italy. Another paper he presented at the University of Vienna on January 13. - On November 6 Daniel Zwick MA presented a paper on itineraries in the age of the northern crusades from a maritime archaeological perspective at the annual meeting of the Arbeitskreis der Kommission für Unterwasserarchäologie (Working group of the committee for underwater archaeology) hosted by the German Maritime Museum, Bremerhaven.
- Annegret Kranz co-organized the “1st Mid-European Summer School on Geomorphology: Complex Response of Earth Surface Processes to Environmental Change”. The school took place in her research area in Heimbuchenthal (Spessart, near Frankfurt) from September 26 to October 2. It was funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Professor Hans-Rudolf Bork and Vincent Robin participated in the event and supported Annegret with scientific presentations.
- The Graduate School sailing team was placed 4th in the final round of the Alumni Cup 2010 on September 4th. Two boats from business institutions and the former Ecology Centre yacht made it to the podium in Schilksee. In total, twelve teams qualified for the finals and competed for the Alumni Cup, the b+m Business Trophy and the Otto Science Trophy. David Bergemann, Ben Krause-Kyora and Philipp Meurer missed the latter by just one position.
Beaufort force 4 to 6 winds meant a good speed for the Mantra 28 yachts. “Philipp’s experience as a skipper was very helpful for us”, Ben pointed out. And David added: “The Cup races were a lot of fun and a great opportunity to meet other alumni. I hope we’ll be able participate again next year.” - Daniel Zwick MA participated in an international workshop on underwater archaeology from August 23 to September 5 in Gdańsk, Poland, co-organised by the Polish Maritime Museum, the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Polish UNESCO Committee. Methodology, legislation and preservational issues were discussed in terms of their applicability within the framework of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.
The workshop concluded with an underwater archaeological survey of a newly discovered late medieval shipwreck and its well-preserved cargo of barrels of iron ore. - Philipp Meurer MA, Ben Krause-Kyora MA and David Bergemann MA represented the Graduate School in the preliminary round of the Alumni Cup 2010 on Juli 4th in Schilksee. They performed very well and placed 3rd, which means they are qualified for the finals on September 4th. The result is remarkable because Philipp, Ben and David have never sailed together before and the Mantra 28 yacht was completely new to them. The crew would like to thank the GS board members for their financial support. Congratulations and best wishes for the finals!
- Christoph Nübel MA, was invited to present his PhD project at the Chair of History of the University of Potsdam (Prof. Ralf Pröve) on 29th of June.
- Daniel Zwick MA participated in the first Baltic workshop for PhD researchers in maritime archaeology, held on June 5-6 at the newly founded Marinarkeologiska Forskningsinstitutet (MARIS) at the Södertörn University of Stockholm. www.sh.se/maris
- Susanne Schwarz MSc was awarded the second prize, including 500 Euros prize money, at the 1st Schleswig-Holstein student conference on medical and biotechnology for her PhD project “The human treponematoses in a European perspective”.
- Philipp Meurer, who was invited to present his paper for the workshop”Aesth/Ethics in Environmental Change” (Hiddensee, 24th-28th May).Philipp´s talk is titled: “The image of the ‘little ice-age’ or: Did Dutch artists directly react to the climatic change?”The conference is organized by the University of Greifswald and the Norwegian University of Science and Techology, Trondheim.
- Dipl. Biol. Melanie Röpke, Susanne Schwarz MSc and Ben Krause-Kyora MA, who are going to present aspects of their PhD projects at the “1. Schleswig-Holsteinische Studententagung zur Medizin- und Biotechnologie” (1st Schleswig-Holstein student conference on medical and biotechnology) at the Science Park Kiel on 20th May. Professor Manuela Dittmar (Speaker Cluster 3) will give an introduction to the Graduate School.
http://www.life-science-nord.net/studententagung_sh/ - Annegret Kranz MA, who was invited to give a lecture on “Quantitative reconstruction of past soil erosion in the Kirschgraben catchment (Spessart mountains, Central Europe)” at the EGU2010 conference in Vienna on 6th May.
- Martin Hinz MA, who was invited to present his paper “Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling: A (in archaeology) neglected multivariate method?” at the CAA in Granada on April 8. Ricardo Fernandes MSc and Michael Teichmann MA attended the conference with posters of their projects.
- Rémi Berthon MA, Kemal Moetz MA and Andrea Ricci MA, who participated in the ICAANE congress with several oral presentations and posters. The conference took place in London from April 12 to 16.
- Svea Mahlstedt, who was invited to present her paper “Between marsh and mountains – The last hunter-gatherers in north-western Germany” at the LAC2010 Conference in Amsterdam on January 26th to 28th. Ricardo Fernandes, Hermann Gorbahn, Mykola Sadovnik, and Michael Teichmann were invited to present posters of their PhD projects there.
- Uta Lungershausen, who is going to participate in the Geoinformatik 2010 Conference in Kiel from March 17th to 19th. Together with Rolf Gabler-Mieck and Professor Rainer Duttmann she gives a lecture on the 3D reconstruction of historic environmental data on March 19th.
- Donat Wehner, who was invited to the Colloquium Praehistoricum at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main on December the 8th, 2009 to present his paper: Das Havelland im frühen Mittelalter.
- Christoph Nübel, who was invited to the University of Düsseldorf (Chair Professor Gerd Krumeich) and to the University of Mainz (Chair Professor Sönke Neitzel) to the present his dissertation project at the Research Colloquia of the mentioned History Departments on the 1st of December and the 19th of November respectively.
Christoph was also invited to present his paper “Schlacht-Perspektiven. Wahrnehmungen und Repräsentationen der ‘Michael’ – Offensive 1918” at the Annual Conference of the Militar History Study Group (Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Militärgeschichte), which will take place between 5th and 7th November 2009.
- Annegret Kranz, who presented her paper: “Human or natural? Impacts on a Central European Landscape” at the Conference Geomorphology 2009 in Melbourne, Australia.
- Bettina Schulz Paulsson and Carolin Lubos, who participated at the Radiocarbon Conference 2009 (June 1st-6th, 2009) in Kona, Hawaii, USA.
Left: Carolin Lubos presents her poster to Marie-Joseé Nadeau (Leibniz Laboratory, CAU) and Alex Bayliss (English Heritage); right: Bettina Schulz Paulsson discusses about her poster with Alex Bayliss. Pictures by: B. Schulz Paulsson and C. Lubos.
- Bettina Schulz Paulsson, who coordinated together with Bisserka Gaydarska (University of Durham, UK) the session “Neolithic monuments: functions, mentalité and the social construction of the landscape” at the 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), which took place between September 15th and 20th, 2009 in Riva del Garda, Italy. Johannes Müller, Doris Mischka, Martin Hinz, Kemal Fevzi-Moetz and Bettina presented papers at the conference. More information at: http://www.eaaitaly2009.com/sessions-roundtables.php
- Daniel Zwick, who was invited to present a paper in the session “Maritime Archaeology: The investigation, interpretation and historical significance of shipwrecks” of the X Nordic TAG Conference in Stiklestad/Ttrondheim, Norway, 26 – 29 May, 2009.
- Andrea Ricci, who was invited to present a paper at the BANEA 2009 (British Association for Near Eastern Archaology: Annual Conference 2009). Andrea Ricci paper develops on his Phd Project. More information on BANEA 2009 here.
-Another Andreas paper proposal “Early urbanization along the Middle Euphrates River Valley” has been accepted for the the ASOR meeting which will take place in New Orleans next November (2009). More information here.
- Natalia Toma, whose papers were presented or accepted to the following conferences:-10th Session of the Symposium ARA ( Architectura. Restaurare. Arheologie ) organised by the Archaeological Institute “Vasile Parvan” of the Romanian Academy on 23rd-25th April 2009. Papers:
– Note de topografie tomitana. Activitati edilitare in portul Küstendje/Constanta 1850-1908/Notes on the Topography of Tomis. Building Activities in the Harbour of Küstendje/Constanta 1850-1908.
-Antichitatea in culisa. Restaurarea si inscenarea monumentelor antice in Grecia (sec. XIX), Italia (sec. XX) si Romania (sec. XX) / Antiquity as Stage Decoration. Restoration and Exploitation of Ancient Monuments in Greece (19th Century), Italy (20th Century) and Romania (20th Century). More information at www.simpara.ro
-11th Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art, “Rome and the Provinces: Models and Diffusion” organised by National Museum of Roman Art (MNAR) and the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) on 18-21th May 2009 in Mérida (Spain).
She participated with the presentation: The „import“ of Monumentality. Marble Trade and Mobility of Craftmenship – New Evidence from Tomis (Constanta/Romania)
For more details see http://www.icac.net/merida/
– The 9th International Conference of the Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones In Antiquity “Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone” – from 8 to 13th June 2009 in Tarragona (Spain).
Special Theme Session: Symbolism of stones – local and imported materials.
Natalia participates with the presentation: The Import of Prefabricated Architectural Marble Items to Moesia inferior. Provenance, Determination and Technical Aspects. For more details see http://www.icac.net/asmosia9/
– Darmstädter Diskussionen 1. Interdisziplinäres Doktorandenkolloquium zu Antiken Kulturen: Darmstadt, September 24th-26th 2009). Title of presentation: Importierte Monumentalität. Marmor und die Transformation der urbanen Landschaft der römischen Städte der moesia Inferior (1.-3. Jh. n. Chr.).
- Rémi Berthon, who was invited to present his paper “Animal exploitation in the Upper Tigris Valley from the Middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age: A first assesment from Hirbemerdon Tepe and Kenan Tepe” at the 3rd. Graduate Symposium “Southeastern Anatolia Studies Symposium” organised by the Graduate Program in Settlement Archaeology of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara (30th April-1st. May, 2009).
- Ben Krause-Kyora, who was invited to present his PhD project at the Module 4: Migration and Mobility of the Graduate Programme “Integrative Archaeology” at the University of Basel (February 12th 2009).
-He was also invited to the “Forschungskolloquium” (Research Colloquium) of the Institute of Pre- and Protohistory at the University of Heidelberg on May the 26th. 2009. His talk developed on the pig´s domestication and the aDNA. Title: Vom Wald auf den Teller, vom Wildschwein zum domestizierten Schwein (sus scrofa) – eine archäologische Studie”