Dissertation Defenses
Congratulations to
- Robert Staniuk, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Tradition and Practice – Study on Pottery, Chronology and Social Dynamics of the Hungarian Bronze Age” on November 25, 2019.
- Clemens von Scheffer, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Holocene human impact, climate and environment in the northern Central Alps: a geochemical approach on mountain peatlands” on July 03, 2019.
- Tim Mattis Schroedter, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Tell in the woods? Anthracological Investigations in Southeast Europe and Turkey” on April 12, 2019.
- René Ohlrau, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Maidanets’ke – Development and decline of a Trypillian mega-site in Central Ukraine” on January 21, 2019.
- Kleoniki Rizou, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Holz vom Helikon – Die Musen und ihre Landschaft in Kult, Mythos und Literatur” on January 16, 2019.
- Natália Égüez Gordon, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Pastoral Geo-ethnoarchaeology. Micromorphology and biogeochemistry of dung deposits in mobile societies“ on December 14, 2018.
- Milinda Hoo, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Eurasian Localisms. Towards a translocal approach to Hellenism and inbetweenness in central Eurasia, c. 300 BCE – 1 CE” on November 27, 2018.
- Veronika Egetenmeyr, doctural student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Die Konstruktion der ,Anderen’: Barbarenbilder in den Briefen des Sidonius Apollinaris.” on November 26, 2018.
- Stefan Magnussen, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Castles in Contested Landscapes. Minor Castles in the Duchy of Schleswig as Phenomenon of Societal and Territorial Changes (13th to 16th Century)” on November 19, 2018.
- Nadine Krütgen, doctural student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Römische Villenarchitekturen in Malerei und Mosaik” on November 12, 2018.
- Jozua Petrus Kleijne, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Embracing Bell Beaker. Adopting new ideas and objects across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC (c. 2600-2000 BC)” on July 3, 2018.
- Gustav Wollentz, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Landscapes of Painful Pasts: Examining the Temporalities of Difficult Heritage” on June 26, 2018.
- Taylor Hermes, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “The pastoralist distinction of Central Asia: isotopic and genetic approaches to food ways, mobility, and trans-regional contact from the early Bronze Age to medieval period” on June 14, 2018.
- Katja Winkler, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Ahrensburgien und Swiderien im mittleren Oderraum. Technologische und typologische Untersuchungen an Silexartefakten der Jüngeren Dyraszeit” on June 14, 2018.
- Gianpiero di Maida, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Marks on the rocks. Rock and mobile art as expression of the hunter-gatherers‘ groups ,Weltanschauung‘ in the Sicilian landscape from Lateglacial to Early Holocene” on May 22, 2018.
- Maria Wunderlich, associated octoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Megalithische Monumente und Sozialstrukturen: Vergleichende Studien zu rezenten und trichterbecherzeitlichen Gesellschaften” on May 9, 2018.
- Katharina Fuchs, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Interdisciplinary analysis of the cemetery ‚Kudachurt 14‘ – Evaluating indicators of social inequality, oral health and diet during the Bronze Age key period between 2200-1650 BCE in the northern Caucasus” on May 2, 2018.
- Tobias Danborg Torfing, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Northern Networks – An analysis of three Neolithic Enclosures from the Jutland peninsula” on January 15, 2018.
- Svetlana Khamnueva, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Landscape development and soil transformation in the former Viking settlement Hedeby” on December 7, 2017.
- Philipp Grassel, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Die späthansezeitliche Schifffahrt im Nordatlantik vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zum 17. Jahrhundert. Das maritim-archäologische Potenzial hansischer Handelsplätze auf den Shetland Inseln, den Färöer Inseln und Island anhand archäologischer und historischer Quellen” on November 10, 2017.
- Maria Gelabert Oliver, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Landscape distribution of talaiotic monuments as markers of social space” on November 9, 2017.
- Maren Biederbick, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Imprints of Loyalty and Corporate Identity in Early Modern Landscape’ – New Index to Paolo Giovio’s and Gabriele Symeoni’s Devises, Lyon 1574” on June 26, 2017.
- Chiara Matarese, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Deportation of People in the Achaemenid Empire” on May 26, 2017.
- Julia Menne, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Keramik aus Megalithgräbern Nordwestdeutschlands. Interaktion und Netzwerke der TRB-Westgruppe” on January 13, 2017.
- Michael Teichmann, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Mensch und Landschaft im südwestlichen Latium in der römischen Antike” on December 20, 2016.
- Hermann Gorbahn, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Pernil Alto – An agricultural village of the Middle Archaic Period in Southern Peru” on December 6, 2016.
- Daniel Zwick, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Maritime Logistics in the Age of the Northern Crusades” on November 21, 2016.
- Marion Bonazzi, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Genomic study of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval northern Europe” on November 4, 2016.
- Daniela Moser, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Wood in the Roman Age: cultural landscapes, forest exploitation and timber circulation in Southern Italy” on October 24, 2016.
- Uta Lungershausen, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Late Holocene aeolian activity and landscape development in a northern German inland dune system – An approach to spatially reconstruct past landscape dynamics using geoarchaeological records and scientific visualization techniques” on September 13, 2016.
- Kathrin Marterior, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Slavic settlements in Holstein: Bilingual language landscape?” on June 29, 2016.
- Artur Ribeiro, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Archaeology and the Historical Understanding” on June 21, 2016.
- Kay Schmütz, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Die Entwicklung zweier Konzepte? Großsteingräber und Grabenwerke bei Haldensleben Hundisburg” on November 23, 2015.
- Felix Rösch, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Das Schleswiger Hafenviertel im Hochmittelalter. Entstehung – Entwicklung – Topographie” on November 23, 2015.
- Camille Butruille, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Mid- to late Holocene seasonal variability in northern Germany and adjacent oceans and its potential impact on human societies” on October 28, 2015.
- Hauke Dibbern, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Das trichterbecherzeitliche Westholstein: Eine Studie zur neolithischen Entwicklung von Landwirtschaft und Gesellschaft” on October 13, 2015.
- Merle Zeigerer, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Die Bedeutung von Kriegsberichterstattern in den drei deutschen Kolonialkriegen in China und Afrika und ihre Wahrnehmung von Gewalt” on July 9, 2015.
- Luise Lorenz, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Kommunikationsstrukturen mittelneolithischer Gesellschaften im nordeuropäischen Tiefland” on June 12, 2015.
- Jan Piet Brozio, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Megalithanlagen und Siedlungsmuster im trichterbecherzeitlichen Ostholstein” on June 12, 2015.
- Franziska Hage, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Büdelsdorf/Borgstedt: eine trichterbecherzeitliche Kleinregion. Siedlung, Grabenwerk, megalithische und nichtmegalitische Grabanlagen” on June 11, 2015.
- Karina Iwe, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Studien zum Tierstil skythenzeitlicher Reiternomaden im eurasischen Steppengürtel. Mehrfigurige Kompositionen der älteren Eisenzeit” on June 11, 2015.
- Stefanie Bergemann, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Zauschwitz (Lkr. Leipzig): Siedlungen und Gräber eines neolithischen Fundplatzes” on June 11, 2015.
- Natalia Toma, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Marmor und die Monumentalisierung der urbanen Landschaft römischer Städte. Der Handel mit marmornen Baugliedern und seine Auswirkungen auf Bauwesen und Erscheinungsbild römischer Städte in der Kaiserzeit” on April 30, 2015.
- Andrej Mitusov, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Geomorphometric regularities of the spatial distribution of colluvial deposits” on February 17, 2015.
- Ralph Grossmann, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Das dialektische Verhältnis von Schnurkeramik und Glockenbecher zwischen Rhein und Saale” on January 20, 2015.
- Sarah Diers, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Mensch-Umweltbeziehungen zwischen 4000 und 2200 cal BC: Vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen an Mooren und trichterbecher-zeitlichen Fundplätzen der Altmark” on November 26.
- Monica de Cet, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Long-Term Social Development on a Mediterranean Island: Menorca between 1600 BCE and 1900 CE” on November 26.
- Silvia Balatti, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Mountain People in the Ancient Near East: The Case of the Zagros in the 1st Millennium BC” on November 11, 2014.
- Jelena Steigerwald, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Denkmalschutz im Grenzgebiet. Eine Analyse der Wissensproduktion und der Praktiken des Denkmalschutzes in der deutsch-dänischen Grenzregion im 19. Jahrhundert.” on June 25, 2014.
- Marta dal Corso, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Environmental history and development of the human landscape in a northeastern Italian lowland during the Bronze Age: a multidisciplinary case-study” on June 25, 2014.
- Christine Schuh, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Tracing human mobility and cultural diversity after the fall of the Western Roman Empire: A multi-isotopic investigation of early medieval cemeteries in the Upper Rhine Valley” on February 5, 2014.
- Andrea Ricci, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “An Archaeological Landscape Study of the Birecik-Carchemish Region (Middle Euphrates River Valley) during the 5th, 4th and 3rd Millennium BC” on 10th of December, 2013.
- Ricardo Fernandes, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Challenges, approaches, and opportunities in radiocarbon reservoir effects” on 9th of December, 2013.
- Nicole Taylor, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Visualisation in Archaeology” (thesis: “Burning Questions – Identity and Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Cremation Cemeteries”) on 19th of November, 2013.
- Elke Hänßler, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Holocene coastal evolution in Greece: Lagoons as geo-archives” on 10th of July, 2013.
- Doris Jansen, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Holocene Wooded Environment and Wood Economy of Northern Germany – Investigated by Archaeo- and Geoanthracological Methods” on 28th of June, 2013.
- Bettina Schulz Paulsson, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Time and Stone: The Emergence and the Development of Megaliths and Megalithic Societies in the Neolithic and the Copper Age in Europe” on 23rd of May, 2013.
- Engdawork Assefa, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Landscape Dynamics and Sustainable Land Management in Southern Ethiopia” on 1st of October, 2012.
- Hannes Knapp, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Habitat Harz: Paläobotanische Untersuchungen zur Umweltgeschichte eines Mittelgebirges” on 14th of September, 2012.
- Svea Mahlstedt, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Das Mesolithikum im westlichen Niedersachsen. Untersuchungen zur materiellen Kultur und zur Landschaftsnutzung” on 11th July 2012.
- Susann Stolze, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Human Impact and Environmental Change during the Neolithic in the Carrowkeel Area, Co. Sligo”, on 2nd of July, 2012.
- Mykola Sadovnik, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Reconstruction of the Forest and Land Use History from Neolithic to the Present for the Westensee Area, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, using a Multi-Proxy Approach” on 2nd of July, 2012.
- Sarah Nelly Friedland, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Die Olsborg und ihr Umfeld. Entstehung, Entwicklung und Bedeutung einer slawenzeitlichen Region in Wagrien.” on 27th of April, 2012.
- Melanie Harder, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Rekonstruktion humaner Pigmentierungsmerkmale mittels SNP-Analyse – Entwicklung eines molekulargenetischen Analyseverfahrens sowie dessen Anwendung an degradierter DNA” on 29th of March, 2012.
- Magdalena Wieckowska, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Palaeocological studies for the reconstruction of human-environment interactions on insular sites in Schleswig-Holstein” on 03rd of February, 2012.
- Annegret Larsen, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed her disputation on “Past natural and anthropological altered sediment flux in the Spessart mountains – a Central European landscape” on 03rd of February, 2012.
- Donat Wehner, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Nachzehrer und Wiedergänger? Mittlealterliche Sonderbestattungen in Ostdeutschland und Polen”, on 30th of January 2012. His dissertation deals with “Das Land Stodor. eine Studie zu Struktur und Wandel der slawenzeitlichen Siedlungsräume in Havelland und in der nördlichen Zauche”.
- Manuel Alberto Fernández-Götz, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Identidad y Poder: la Galia Nororiental de la Primera Edad del Hierro a la Romanización” on 20th of January, 2012.
- Robert Hofmann, who passed his disputation on “Okoliste – Spätneolithische Keramik und Siedlungsentwicklung in Zentralbosnien” on 15th of December 2011.
- Vincent Robin, who passed his disputation on “Reconstruction of fire and forest history on several investigation sites in Germany, based on long and short-term investigations – Multiproxy approaches contributing to naturalness assessment on a local scale.” on 4th of November, 2011.
- Christoph Steffen, who passed his disputation on “Gesellschaftswandel während der älteren Eisenzeit – Soziale Strukturen der Hallstatt- und Frühlatènekultur in Baden-Württemberg.” on 28th of October, 2011.
- Rémi Berthon, who passed his disputation on “Animal exploitation in the Upper Tigris River valley (Turkey) between the 3rd and the 1st millennia BC” on 10th of October 2011.
- Kemal Moetz, who passed his disputation on “Sesshaftwerdung. Aspekte der Niederlassung im Neolithikum in Obermesopotamien” on 19th September, 2011.
- Carolin Lubos, who passed her disputation on “Geomorphologisch-umweltarchäologische Untersuchungen der Genese eines urgeschichtlichen Siedlungshügels bei Niederröblingen (Sachsen-Anhalt) und seiner Umgebung” on 25th of August 2011.
- Ben Krause-Kyora, who passed his disputation on “Molekulargenetische und archäologische Untersuchungen zur Domestikation und Züchtung des Schweins (Sus scrofa)” on 25th of July 2011.
- Martin Hinz, who passed his disputation on “Paläolithische Kunst und die Evolution der Kognition” on 21st of June 2011. His dissertation deals with “Neolithische Siedlungsstrukturen im südöstlichen Schleswig-Holstein. Dynamik in Landschaft und Besiedlung”.
- Katerina Glykou, who passed the defense of her dissertation on “Neustadt LA 156. Ein submariner Fundplatz des späten Mesolithikums und des frühesten Neolithikums in Schleswig-Holstein. Untersuchungen zur Subsistenzstrategie der letzten Jäger, Sammler und Fischer an der norddeutschen Ostseeküste” on 13th of May 2011.
- Christoph Nübel, doctoral student of the Graduate School, who passed his disputation on “Der nationalkonservative Bismarck-Mythos in der Weimarer Republik” on 11th of May 2011. His dissertation deals with “Umwelt – Gelände – Landschaft. Studien über die Raumerfahrungen deutscher Soldaten an der Westfront 1914-1918. Eine Geschichte des Überlebens im Krieg”.
- Rouven Schneider, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who defended his dissertation:”Kommunikation und Interaktion. Kontakt- und Einflusssphären während der jüngeren Bronzezeit und älteren Eisenzeit Europas” on 11th of January 2011.
- Stefanie Klooß, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who defended her dissertation: “Holzartefakte von endmesolithischen und frühneolithischen Küstensiedlungen an der südwestlichen Ostseeküste” on 30th. November, 2010.
- Arne Paysen, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who defended his dissertation: “Nachhaltige Energiewirtschaft? Brenn- und Kohlholznutzung in Schleswig-Holstein in Mittelalter und früher Neuzeit” / Sustainable energy economy? The use of forests for fire and charring wood supply in Schleswig-Holstein during Mediaeval and early Modern Times (dissertation defended on 1 February 2010)
- Janina Duerr, associated doctoral student of the Graduate School, who defended her dissertation: “Von Tierhütern und Tiertötern. Mythos, Ethik und Jagdverhalten im kulturhistorischen Vergleich” on 17th November, 2009.