Graduate School in Bosnia


During September GS fieldwork took place in Bosnia near Gorazde. The excavation at Jagnilo recovered a multi-periodical house of around 5300 cal BC.

A female figurine, found near the house structures of the Late Neolithic community of Jagnilo, Bosnia-Hercegovina (ca. 5300 cal BC).

On- and off-site samples were taken for landscape research to clarify the environmental and economic dynamics of the Neolithic community. Archaeologists as well as soil scientists and archaeo-botanists worked together, GS stuff and students headed by GS-PhD student Robert Hofmann. Additional ethnographic studies of Junior Professor Antonia Davidovic (Environmental Archaeology) analyzed the relation of locals, refugees, and foreign scientists in the village. Humans are also visible in small figurines, found during the excavation.

The excavation is a training of archaeological field work both for Bosnian students as well as scientists who are involved in the project.

Text by Johannes Müller, Photo by Robert Hofmann