The international, interdisciplinary running team of the Graduate School has made another athletic appearance: In the tower run (Hochhauslauf) celebrating Kiel University’s 350th anniversary, PhD students Tobias Danborg Torfing (archaeologist/ Denmark), Sandra Kiesow (ecosystem researcher/Germany) and Maren Biederbick (art historian/ Germany) teamed up with Humboldt Fellow Carl Heron (Professor for Archaeology, Bradford).
They dashed up the 14 floors – 261 steps in total, – of the university tower building in 1:08 minutes, placing 11th among the 20 starting teams in the relay run. Furthermore, Sandra, Carl and PhD student Jos Kleijne (archaeologist/ Netherlands) also started in the individual competitions with Sandra placing 6th out of 20 female participants (1:31 minutes), Jos 43rd (1:27) and Carl 50th (1:35) out of 69 runners.