PhD projects

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Doctoral research student
Name Project

Bleckmann (née Wetzel), Richard

The Neolithic transition in the Havelland / Brandenburg. A diachronic analysis of the development of the early Neolithic landscape – continuity or discontinuity.

Boysen, Sara Celine

Roman Villa Landscapes in Ancient Italy. Literary Perception, Development, Utilization.

Brunner, Mirco

Chronologie, Mobilität und Kulturtransfer am Beispiel einer inneralpinen Siedlungslandschaft. Eine landschaftsarchäologische Untersuchung des zentralen Alpenraums.

Cowin, Loren Vincent

The Mapping and Analysis of the Urban Topography of Medieval Islamic Merv

Égüez, Natàlia

Pastoralist Geo-Ethnoarchaeology: Microstratigraphic investigation of stabling spaces in mobile communities. Dung and organic matter as biomarkers.

Franz, Ingmar

Pottery Production as Proxy for the Emergence of Early Social Complexity in the Near Eastern and European Neolithic

Grunert, Nicole

Space Syntax and the Household- Changes in Social Complexity.

Hoffmann, Saskia

Pindar´s Sixth Olympian Ode for Hagesias of Syracuse and Stymphalos

Hoo, Milinda

Eurasian Localisms. Transregional culture and local appropriation in the ideoscape of Central Asia, 4th century BCE - 1st century CE

Khramtsova, Anastasia

How did hunter-gatherers respond to the death? The development of burial rites between Baltic and the Urals in the Later Stone Age

Kiesow, Sandra

Cultivated mountain slopes in the north of Madeira Island, Portugal.

Kornell, Sabin-Christin

Reconstruction of ancient methylation maps in comparison to the ancient oral microbiome.

Kossack, Daniel

High- and Late Middle Ages mottes in the shire Holstein (ca. 11th - 16th Century). Their significance for the colonization of the region and the socio-economic formation of the landscape.

Krause, Jessica Susanne

Theseus as a Symbol of Athens? The Attic Demos Heros in Representations of Public Art outside Attica

Merten, Stephanie

Room Determinants and Scopes of Action. Facets of a City using the Example of the Pompeian Forum.

Meurer, Philipp

Landscape, Perception and Imagination. Concepts of Identity and Alterity in Dutch Landscape Painting of the 16th and 17th Centuries

Nergiz, Safak

Settlement Patterns in Eastern Thrace (Turkey) during the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods.

Oflaz, Asli

Spatial and Temporal Distribution Patterns of Archaeological Sites.

Ohlrau, René

Development and decline of Trypillian "mega-sites": The case of Maidanets'ke

Ohlsen, Claudia

Eventisation of rurality in times of globalisation. A cultural anthropology study at the example of Schleswig-Holstein

Petri, Ingo

Comparative Investigations about Extracting and Working of Metals in the West Slavonic Area Particularly Researched in the Case of the Earthwork Starigard/Oldenburg (Schleswig-Holstein)and Grzybowo-Rabieyce (Greater Poland)

Pohl, Per-Ole

Christianspries / Friedrichsort and its topography of power. Investigating the aristocratic landscape and fortified border of a Renaissance fortress.

Prust, Anja

Continuity, Adaption and Innovation - Livestock Economy of the Roman Mediterranean Provinces (working title).

Reul, Kinga

Entrepreneurship within the Maori Culture – A Case Study Regarding the Implications for Social Change in Terms of Resource Use and Work Society.

Savu, Mihaela

Tracking a specialization: Fishing gears in the Lower Danube during the 5th millennium BC as an adaptive response to different environmental resources and constraints

Schmidt, Laura Carina

Sicily and Egypt. Sappho and her biographies

Schneider, Hauke

Aristophanes' Ploutos

Scholz, Heiko

The Location of the Hoard: Study on the Relative Positions of Bronze Age Metal Depositions in the Southern and Western Baltic Sea Region (working title).

Schroedter, Tim

Tell in the Woods? Woodland-Management and Social Differentiation of Wood Use in SE Europe and Turkey.

Schultrich, Sebastian

Maritime networks: Formation, development and significance of Neolithic networks in areas adjacent to the North Sea

Staniuk, Robert

Tradition and Practice – Study on Pottery, Chronology and Social Dynamics of the Hungarian Bronze Age

Söderlind, Sandra

Mobility, contacts and transmission of knowledge during the Mesolithic in northern Europe.

Tiedtke, Verena

Grave and Space: Organisation of Landscape and Communication Clusters in and around the Burial Site Müllrose, East Brandenburg

Titova, Evgeniya

Empire Building and Identity Development. The Spatial and Cultural Aspects of the Reign of Tigran the Great.

Tumurbaatar, Tuvshinjargal

Zooarchaeological and biomolecular exploration of the first pastoral societies of the Eastern Steppe

Wierzgon, Anna

Archaeobotanical investigations on urban settlements in northern Germany from the 12th to the 17th century; The case studies of Luebeck, Kiel and Uelzen

Zanon, Marco

Facing adverse climate and land overexploitation. Unfolding mass population displacements in the Garda Lake area during the Bronze Age.