
 Manuel A. Fernandez-Götz, Alumni


Manuel A. Fernandez-Götz (Germany, 1983)

M.A. in Prehistory

PhD project
“Identity and Power: Northeast Gaul from the Early Iron Age until Romanization (600BC - AD70)” (Complutense University Madrid – Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel)
The aim of this doctoral thesis was to analyze the evolution of Iron Age communities in Northeast Gaul, in particular in the Middle Rhine-Moselle region, with special consideration of questions concerning social identity. From this perspective, the two key concepts structuring this investigation are identity and power, i.e. the power relationships which existed between various identity-based categories. Methodologically, a holistic approach is adopted combining archaeological data with anthropological, ethno-archaeological and historical references.

This doctoral thesis is structured into three focal parts, beginning from the more general to the specific, with a particular emphasis on the last:

1) The first part presents a theoretical and methodological review on the different types of social identity (ethnicity, gender, age, class…) as well as the central concept of ‘power’. Together with an explanation of definitions and key concepts, each section also includes a series of historical and anthropological examples, as well as a discussion about the limitations and possibilities of an archaeological exploration on major identity categories. Moreover, a central theme entails the distinction between different degrees of relational and individualized identities. In short, the first part of this thesis provides an up-to-date summary of one of the hot-topics in current research agendas: the archaeology of identities.

2) The second part offers a detailed study of the different levels of ethnic identity and socio-political organization which appear superimposed and co-integrated in non-Mediterranean Gaul at the end of the Iron Age. According to written and archaeological sources, the three main socio-political levels that can be distinguished in ascending order include:

1) local groups comprising several households, 2) pagi (sub-ethnic communities), and 3) civitates (ethnic communities). The complex relationships between these different groupings, the features of real and fictive kinship ties, the dual nature of pre-Roman pagi and civitates as both political and ethnic entities, the evolution of political institutions, the all-embracing character of clientship networks, and changing border dynamics are some of the topics discussed.

3) Finally, the third and main part of this thesis entails a diachronic analysis of the cultural change experienced by societies of Northeastern Gaul from approximately 600 BC until 70 AD, i.e. from the outset of demographic growth reflected by both archaeological and palynological data to the consequences of the Batavian revolt. Although the Middle Rhine-Moselle region represents the core study area, other neighboring regions are also taken into account, e.g. the Champagne, the Belgian Ardennes and the Lower Rhine. Some of the main issues addressed here within concrete case studies include:

- cycles of centralization and decentralization;

- origins of the La Tène culture;

- questions about migration in the Late Iron Age;

- the application of ideas from scholars such as Foucault, Bourdieu, Giddens or De Certeau;

- the emergence of the oppida;

- the key role of sanctuaries in the construction of collective identities;

- distinctions between different types of societies within the area under study;

- a critical reappraisal of macro-ethnic categories such as ‘Celts’ and ‘Germans’;

- the impact of ‘Romanization’ on identity transformation.

The result is a renewed view of Iron Age societies in temperate Europe and, at a more general level, a step forward in the complicated but fascinating task of constructing an archaeology of identities.

Research interests Identity, archaeological theory, historiography, Iron Age archaeology.
Post PhD Position Chancellor Fellow in Archaeology. School of History, Classics and Archaeology. University of Edinburgh

Since January 2012
Binational PhD awarded with Summa Cum Laude. Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (Germany) / Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Supervisors: Prof. Dirk Krausse and Prof. Gonzalo Ruiz Zapatero.

Since 2010
Binational PhD between the Complutense University Madrid and the Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Associated member of the Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes" at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel

Since 2009
Research Assistant (Ministry of Education) at the Department of Prehistory, Complutense University Madrid (Spain)

2007 – 2009
Doctoral scholarship of the Ministry of Education (Complutense University Madrid, Spain)

Diploma de Estudios Avanzados, Complutense University Madrid (Spain)

Licenciado en Historia (speciality in Archaeology), University of Sevilla (Spain)

2005 – 2006
Academic Fellowship, Ministry of Culture and Education (University of Sevilla, Spain)

2001 – 2006
Studies of History, Ancient History and Archaeology at the University of Sevilla (Spain)

Work experience

Since September 2013
Chancellor Fellow in Archaeology, University of Edinburgh

2011 - 2013
Senior Researcher at the State Office for Cultural Heritage Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Coordinator of the Heuneburg-Project.

International Research Stays

  • Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Fellowship for a stay at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 18 June – 19 August 2007.
  • Honorary Research Assistant at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London (20 September – 20 December 2008).
  • Visiting Scholar at the Archeologisch Centrum of the Vrije University Amsterdam (29 September – 29 December 2009).
  • Visiting Scholar at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris (1 September – 31 December 2010).
  • Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Fellowship for a stay at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), 1 August – 30 September 2011.

Field Experience: Archaeological Excavations

  • Porcuna (Jaén, Spain), August-September 2003
  • Sevilla (Spain), December 2003
  • Carmona (Sevilla, Spain), April 2004
  • Segeda (Zaragoza, Spain) August 2004
  • Zambujal (Portugal), September 2004
  • Carmona (Sevilla, Spain), March-April 2005
  • Heuneburg (Germany), July-August 2005
  • Segeda (Zaragoza, Spain) September 2005
  • Heuneburg (Germany), July-September 2006
  • Heuneburg (Germany), September 2007
  • Numancia (Spain), August 2008
  • Manching (Germany), September 2009
  • Bibracte (France), July 2010
Selected publications

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Identity and Power: The transformation of Iron Age societies in northeast Gaul. Amsterdam Archaeological Studies 21. Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: De la familia a la etnia: Protohistoria de la Galia Oriental. Bibliotheca Archaeologica Hispana. Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Villages and Cities in Early Europe. Antiquity 88, 339: 304-307.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A. and Krausse, D.: Rethinking Early Iron Age Urbanisation in Central Europe: The Heuneburg Site and its Archaeological Environment. Antiquity 87, 336: 473-487.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Revisiting Iron Age Ethnicity. European Journal of Archaeology 16(1): 116-136.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Ethnicité, politique et échelles d’intégration: réflexions sur les «pagi » gaulois avant la Conquête. Études Celtiques 39: 7-29.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Una nueva mirada sobre los oppida de la Europa Templada. Complutum 24(1): 131-150.

Krausse, D.; Fernandez-Götz, M. A.; Steffen, C., Wahl, J. and Otte-Scheschkewitz, P.: Vom Burgberg zur Donau: Neue Untersuchungen zur Heuneburg (2008-2012). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 43(2): 195-213.

Ade,D.; Fernandez-Götz, M. A.; Rademacher, L.; Stegmaier, G. and Willmy, A.: Der Heidengraben – Ein keltisches Oppidum auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Die Rolle der Heiligtümer bei der Konstruktion kollektiver Identitäten: das Beispiel der treverischen Oppida. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 42(4): 509-524.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Identität und Macht: das Mittlerhein- und Moselgebiet von der frühen Eisenzeit bis zur Romanisierung (600 v. Chr. – 70 n. Chr.). Archäologische Informationen 35: 343-350.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A. and Krausse, D.: Heuneburg. First city north of the Alps. Current World Archaeology 55: 28-34.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A. and Krausse, D.: Die Heuneburg. Neue Forschungen zur Entwicklung einer späthallstattzeitlichen Stadt. In: Die Welt der Kelten. Zentren der Macht – Kostbarkeiten der Kunst. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Ostfildern: 116-123.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A. and Ruiz Zapatero, G.: Die «Kelten» im Spannungsfeld von wissenschaftlicher Forschung und populärer Rezeption. In R. Karl, J. Leskovar and S. Moser (eds.), Die erfundenen Kelten – Mythologie eines Begriffes und seine Verwendung in Archäologie, Tourismus und Esoterik. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz: 81-93 .

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Cultos, ferias y asambleas: los santuarios protohistóricos del Rin Medio-Mosela como espacios de agregación. Palaeohispánica 11: 127-154.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Niveles sociopolíticos y órganos de gobierno en la Galia de finales de la Protohistoria. Habis 42: 7-26.4.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A. and Ruiz Zapatero, G.: Hacia una Arqueología de la etnicidad. Trabajos de Prehistoria68 (2): 219-236.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A. and García Fernández, F. J.: Die ethnische Fragestellung in der spanischen Archäologie: eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Perspektive. Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift (EAZ) 52(1): 104-118.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: Ethnische Interpretationen in der Eisenzeitarchäologie: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten. In G. Uelsberg and M. Schmauder (eds.), Kelten am Rhein. Akten des dreizehnten Internationalen Keltologiekongresses. Beihefte Bonner Jahrbücher 58/1, Bonn: 13-23.

Fernandez-Götz, M. A.: La construcción arqueológica de la etnicidad. Serie Keltia 42. Editorial Toxosoutos, Noia (A Coruña).
