
Doctoral research student Ingmar Franz, M.A.

Doctoral research student

Ingmar Franz (Germany, 1979)

M.A. in Prehistoric Archaeology & Geography

PhD project Pottery Production as Proxy for the Emergence of Early Social Complexity in the Near Eastern and European Neolithic
Research interests Origins of Pottery, Ceramic Analysis, 3D-modelling, Chaîne Opératoire Approach, Archaeometry, Material Culture Studies, Landscape and Environmental Archaeology, Cognitive Archaeology, Neolithic and Chalcolithic in Europe and the Near East

Since 01/2014
Member of the Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” at Kiel University.

03/2009 – 12/2013
PhD-student at the Institute for Prehistoric Archaeology at the Albrechts-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. Title of PhD-project: “Manufacture and use of final Neolithic pottery in Central Anatolia around 8 000 calBP” (Herstellung und Verwendung endneolithischer Keramik in Zentralanatolien um 8000 calBP).

Magister Artium at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg. Title of thesis: “Early Chalcolithic cut- and prick-ornamented pottery from Çatalhöyük West” (Frühchalkolithische schnitt-stich-verzierte Keramik von Çatalhöyük West).

Work experience

Since 07/2006
Neolithic Tell site of Çatalhöyük/Turkey (multinational Çatalhöyük Research Project). Pottery Lab Director of the Çatalhöyük West Mound Project including collaborative and interdisciplinary projects with the faunal, palaeobotany, geoarchaeology, chipped stone and groundstone labs.

3D-modelling workshop at the Institute for Prehistory and Early History at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen-Nürnberg.

10/2012 – 02/2013
Directing the tutorial „Analysieren digitaler 3D-Artefaktmodelle“ (B.A. Modul Archäologische Praxis I) at Freiburg University. Goal: Conveyance of software-based analysis of data.

04/2012 – 07/2012
Directing the tutorial „Erstellen digitaler 3D-Artefaktmodelle“ (B.A. Modul Archäologische Praxis I) at Freiburg University. Goal: Conveyance of different 3D documentation techniques and software-based analysis of data.

04/2009 – 01/2012
Inventory of site localisation and site mapping for the regional site files (“Ortsakten”), reviewing of archaeological surveys using the ADAB-Database, and integrated LIDAR-scan data at the Office for Archaeological Heritage Preservation (Referat 26) at the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg.

2005 – 2009
Organization, design and supervision of archaeological exhibitions at the Science Market of Freiburg University in Freiburg downtown and the Science Days in the Europapark in Rust.

04/2002 – 06/2006
Finds processing (pottery, animal and human bones, glass, iron) at the section for Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the Institute for Ancient History at Freiburg University.

Late Roman fortress near Biesheim/France (Trinational research project Oedenburg of the section for Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the Institute for Archaeological Sciences at Freiburg University).

Rescue excavation of a roman road in the town center of Offenburg/Ortenau (Office for Archaeological Heritage Preservation (Referat 26) at the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg).

Neolithic-Late Iron Age site Viereckschanze Mengen /Breisgau (Office for Archaeological Heritage Preservation (Referat 26) at the Regierungspräsidium Freiburg).

Mesolithic camp site Ullafelsen /Austria (Institut für Hochgebirgsforschung at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck).

Late Roman fortress near Biesheim/France (Trinationale research project Oedenburg of the section for Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the Institute for Archaeological Sciences at Freiburg University).

Late Roman fortress near Biesheim/France (Trinationale research project Oedenburg of the section for Archaeology of the Roman Provinces at the Institute for Archaeological Sciences at Freiburg University).

Early Chalcolithic mining settlement near Cabrières/Southern France (french-german collaboration between Montpellier University and Freiburg University).

Selected publications

Biehl et al. (forthcoming): Biehl, P.F., Boogard, A., Byrnes, J., Franz, I., Orton, D., Ostaptchouk, S., Rogasch, J. and Rosenstock, E.: Rethinking the Neolithic-Chalcolithic transition in Central Anatolia: Preliminary Excavation Report of the Çatalhöyük West Mound. In: Antiquity.

In press
Franz, I. (in press): “An 8000-year-old potter’s legacy – Investigation of a potter’s activity area on the West Mound of Çatalhöyük/Turkey” In: Cruells, W.; Mateiciucova, I.; Nieuwenhuyse, O. (ed.) Proceedings of the international workshop „Painting pots – painting people“ in Brno-Rejviz/Czech Republic.

In press
Franz, I. / Pyzel, J. (in press): The potter’s riddle at Çatalhöyük – An attempt to connect the Late Neolithic and the Early Chalcolithic pottery assemblages from Çatalhöyük/Turkey. In: Biehl, P.F., Rosenstock, E. (eds.): “Times of Change: The Turn from the 7th to the 6th Millennium BC in the Near East and Southeast Europe”. Proceedings of the International Workshop from 24th –26th November 2011 in Berlin. In: Cambridge University Press.

Franz, I. (2012): Trench 5-7 pottery archive report. In: Çatalhöyük 2012 Archive Report, p. 262-271. (August 2013).

Biehl et al. (2012): Biehl, P.F.; Franz, I.; Ostaptchouk, S.; Orton, D.; Rogasch, J.; Rosenstock, E.: One Community and Two Tells: The Phenomenon of Relocating Tell Settlements at the Turn of the 7th and the 6th Millennia in Central Anatolia. In: Hofmann et al. (Hrsg.): Tells: Social and Environmental Space. Proceedings of the International Workshop “Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes II (14th –18th March 2011)” in Kiel. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie Band 207, 53-65, Bonn 2012.

Franz, I. (2011): West Mound Pottery, Trench 5-7. In: Çatalhöyük 2011 Archive Report, p.79-90. (August 2013)

Franz, I. (2010): Pottery from Trench 5-7. In: Çatalhöyük 2010 Archive Report, p. 77-90. (August 2013).

Franz, I. / Ostaptchouk, S. (2012): Illuminating the pottery production process at Çatalhöyük West Mound (Turkey) around 8000 cal. BP. In: Ramminger/Stilborg (Hrsg.) (2012): Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Keramik II – Methoden, Anwendungsbereiche, Auswertungsmöglichkeiten. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie Band 216, 97-129, Bonn 2012.

Franz, I. (2009a): Frühchalkolithische schnitt-stich-verzierte Keramik von Çatalhöyük West. Unpubl. Magisterarbeit at the Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg 2009.

Franz, I. (2009b): Trench 5 pottery. In: Çatalhöyük 2009 Archive Report, p. 42-49. (August 2013).

Franz, I. (2008): Trench 5-7 pottery. In: Çatalhöyük 2008 Archive Report, p. 97-100. (August 2013).

Franz, I. (2007): West Trenches 5 & 7 – Pottery. In: Çatalhöyük 2007 Archive Report, p. 129-131. (August 2013).


Çatalhöyük Research Project:

European Association of Archaeologists:

AG Computeranwendungen und Quantitative Methoden in der Archäologie e.V.:

Gesellschaft für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie und Archaeometrie e.V.:
