
Doctoral research student Mirco Brunner, M.A.

Doctoral research student

Mirco Brunner (Swiss,1987)

M.A. in Prehistory

PhD project
Chronologie, Mobilität und Kulturtransfer am Beispiel einer inneralpinen Siedlungslandschaft. Eine landschaftsarchäologische Untersuchung des zentralen Alpenraums.
The Alpenrheintal forms a direct gateway to the Alps which begins in the North, in the Lake Constance region to be exact. It is a broad valley landscape which leads to the central Alps, then continues over inner alpine passages, south alpine valleys and finally opens into a region located between Lago Maggiore and Lago di Como. In prehistoric times, this transit zone was not only used as settling and trading area but also as a major thoroughfare into, and across the Alps. Hence, after the 1930, the Alpenrheintal’s archaeological finding sites were subject to numerous studies which resulted in the tentative conclusion that it was continually populated throughout every epoch between in the Neolithic - and the Middle Ages. In addition, newest studies prove that not only the valley floors were being used as settlement and trading areas but also the high alpine regions, towering above them. The Topography of the alpine region renders it ideal for archaeological scrutiny as the individual areas are strongly structured and divided into assessable settlement concentrations (valleys) which show specific geomorphological and climatic parameters where the individual economic potential varies greatly.
Research interests Prehistoric Archaeology, Neolithic Archaeology, Bronze Age Archaeology, Landscape Archaeology

Since 2016
Member of the Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes" at Kiel University

Oct.-Dec. 2015
GSHDL short term grant at the Graduate School "Human Development in Landscapes" at Kiel University.

Master degree at University of Bern, IAW Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Dept. of Prehistory with the Thesis: The Bronze Age settlement on the Grepault near Trun. A contribution to the Bronze Age settlement history in the Central Alps.

Work experience

Sept. – Dec. 2016
Teaching course 426208-HS2016-0-PA: Theories and theoretical discussions in prehistoric archaeology at University of Bern, IAW Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Dept. of Prehistory

July 2016
Montanarchaeological Field work at the Calanda mines at Felsberg, GR. „Prospektion und vermessungstechnische Aufnahme der historischen und prähistorischen Stollen am Calanda, GR. (Universität Bern)

June 2016
Excavation campaign at Mulegns, Val Faller Plaz - Prähistorischer Bergbau im Oberhalbstein SNF-Projekt "Mining, Copper Production and Bronze Technology in the Oberhalbstein, GR (Switzerland)" (05.06.- 02.07.2016, Universität Zürich)

June 2015
Excavation campaign at Marmorera, Gruba - Prähistorischer Bergbau im Oberhalbstein SNF-Projekt "Mining, Copper Production and Bronze Technology in the Oberhalbstein, GR (Switzerland)" (30.05.- 27.06.2015, Universität Zürich).

July 2014
Excavation campaign at Trun, Grepault (Universität Bern, Archäologischer Dienst Graubünden)

June 2012
Excavation campaign at Sursee-Hofstetterfeld LU, (02.06 - 04.07.2012)

Survey at Aarau-Buechholz, (Univerität Bern)

Exhibition: "175 Jahre Universität Bern, und wie alt ist Bern?" sowie der Publikation "Berns frühe Zeit. Archäologie und Geschichte der keltischen und römischen Stadt auf der Engehalbinsel" (Sept. 2009).

Exhibition: "Das Gold der Bündner Berge" im Helvetischen Goldmuseum Burgdorf. (März 2008 – März 2009)

June 2008
Excavation campaign at Sursee-Zellmoos, LU (Universität Bern)

Selected publications

M. Brunner / M. Seifert (2013), Die ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Höhlen- und Einzelfunde von Felsberg, Archäologie Graubünden 1, 59–97.

W. Lüthi / M. Brunner, Das Gold der Bündner Berge, Goldformat 3 (Burgdorf 2008).


Since 2015
EAA – European Association of Archaeologists
AGUS - Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Urgeschichtsforschung in der Schweiz
