
Post doctoral fellow Nicola Chiarenza, Dr. phil.

Post doctoral fellow

Nicola Chiarenza (Italy, 1982)

Dr. phil. in Archaeology

Post-doc project Urban agency and perception
Research interests Greek Archaeology, Phoenician and Punic Studies, Punic-Greek Interaction, Early Hellenistic Studies, Archaeology of Western Sicily, Greek Colonization, Religious Architecture, Coroplastic Studies, Urban Agency in Antiquity, Archaeology of the Senses, Archaeology of Ritual.

2011 - 2014
PhD in Archaeology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome. Dissertation title: “Edifici di culto e aree sacre in contesti punici e tardo punici della Sicilia”

2009 - 2011
Specialization in Cultural heritage at Specialization School in Cultural Heritage of “La Sapienza” University of Rome

2005 - 2008
Master in Archaeology at “La Sapienza” University of Rome

2002 - 2005
Bachelor in Archaeological Sciences at “La Sapienza” University of Rome

Work experience

November 2015 - August 2016
DAAD Postdoc-Forschungsstipendium at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Archaeological Museum of Palermo “Antonino Salinas”: study of potteries and other finds from Selinunte (Sicily)

2003 - 2013
Archaeological Expedition to Motya of “La Sapienza” University of Rome: field director and in charge of excavations activities and archaeological documentation in several areas of the archaeological site; responsible of the photographical recording of pottery and small finds

2005 - 2012
“La Sapienza” University of Rome: voluntrer assistant librarian at “Fondo Antonia Ciasca” Library

“Giuseppe Whitaker” Museum (Motya, Sicily): photographical recording of the red-figure pottery of “Whitaker Collection”

“La Sapienza” University of Rome: assistant librarian at the Oriental Studies Library

Selected publications

in press
“La coroplastica votiva dalle campagne di scavo XXV-XXVIII (2005-2008) dall’Area sacra del Kothon”, in: L. Nigro (ed.), Mozia XIV. Zona C. Il Tempio del Kothon Roma, in press.

“Catalogue of the objects”, in: L. Nigro (ed.), Mozia XIV. Zona C. Il Tempio del Kothon Roma, in press.

“All’ombra delle colonne: le aree sacre ai margini del Tempio O nella Selinunte punica”, 8th International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies, Carbonia – Sant’Antioco (Sardinia) 21st – 26th of October 2013, in press.

“A peculiar type of Punic temples from Sicily”, in Septième Congrès International des Études Phéniciennes et Puniques, Hammamet 10th – 14th of November 2009, Tunis, in press.

"Selinunte tra la seconda metà del IV e il III secolo a.C. Un insediamento dell'Eparchia cartaginese al centro del Mediterraneo", in Karthago 30 (2016-2017), accepted.

"Una lucerna in marmo e altri reperti di età arcaica da un’area sacra sull’acropoli di Selinunte", in Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung 123 (2017), 469-493

“The shrine and the goddess. Cultural contacts in Soluntum during the Hellenistic age”, in: F. Schön – H. Topfer (eds.) Karthago Dialoge. Karthago und der punische Mittelmeerraum - Kulturkontakte und Kulturtransfers im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr., Tübingen 2013, 269-282.

“Una matrice per terrecotte con Sileno dall’area sacra del Kothon a Mozia“,Vicino Oriente 19 (2015), 51-64.

“On oriental persistence in the Hellenistic town of Soluntum. A new hypothesis about the statue of an enthroned goddess”, in: L. Bombardieri et al. (eds.), SOMA 2012. Identity and Connectivity: Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, Florence, Italy, 1–3 March 2012 (BAR –S2581), Oxford 2013, 945-954.

“L’area sacra punica sull’acropoli di Selinunte: nuove proposte”, Sicilia Antiqua 8 (2011), 41- 53.

“Nota su un altare a tre betili da Selinunte”, Vicino Oriente 13 (2007), 177 – 196.


since 2017
SAIC-Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Cartagine
