
 Tobias Danborg Torfing, Alumni


Tobias Danborg Torfing (Denmark, 1983)

M.A. in prehistoric archaeology

PhD project
Exploring the Networks of the TRB
The purpose of this project is to explore the networks in the northern part of Jutland in the late Early Neolithic (EN II) and early Middle Neolithic (MN I) on the Jutlandish peninsula. This will be coupled with references to overall trends in the TRB north group. The basis of the analysis will be ceramics from the northern part of Jutland, focusing on three unpublished enclosures. The ceramics will be seen as part of a network of interest. Through this project, I will create a greater understanding of the dynamic in the ceramic traditions of the northern part of Jutland in the early TRB. This will allow for a fuller discussion about the changes happening in the TRB north groups as a whole towards the end of the EN. The network centred on the enclosures, with the ceramics as a messenger, increased the communication. The project will also explore how the increased communication was part of the change of the cultural landscape with increased monumentality in the form of enclosures and megaliths. By describing style as a network of different actors’ actions, which both influences and is influenced by the surrounding society, a new approach is given for a more general problem: How do culture, style and society interconnect in creating the world? Thus the project offers general theoretical perspectives as well.
Research interests Social interaction theory, Neolithic pottery, statistics in archaeology, enclosures and their funtion, rituals in the TRB.

September 2007 - Oktober 2011
Kandidat (cand.mag./ MA) studies in prehistoric archaeology. Aarhus University.

September 2005 - June 2007
Secondary BA studies in the history, literature and archaeology of the Vikings. Aarhus University.

September 2003 - June 2005
Bachelor studies in prehistoric archaeology. Aarhus University.

Work experience

01/01 – 30/6 2012
Archeologist at Viborg Museum. Reports, GIS, registrations and various excavations.

01/09 – 30/12 2011
Instructor. Department for Prehistoric Archeology, Aarhus University

February – April 2008
Excavation assistant Djurslands Museum (10 weeks). Excavations of a Mesolithic bog site.

August 2006 – March 2007
periods of combined 28 weeks as excavation assistant at Djurslands Museum. Participated in the excavations of several smaller funnel beaker sites, as well as an Iron Age village and a few cremation graves.

June 2006
Excavation assistant at Langelands Museum (3 weeks). Test excavations.

April – May 2005
Excavation assistant Svendborg Museum (5 weeks). Iron age/viking age graves.

Selected publications

Torfing, Tobias Danborg. The Network of Style. An analytic Study of Style and Pottery from two Causewayed Enclosures.

Torfing, Tobias Danborg. Et uoverskueligt problemkompleks? Om analyser af tragtbægerkeramik. Lag 11. Forlaget Kuturlaget. Moesgård

Torfing, Tobias Danborg. Burial Rites in the Danish Neolithic – the manipulation of bones? Kontaktstencil. Vol. 47. 2009; 26-34. Fællesnordisk Råd for Arkæologistuderende.

Torfing, Tobias Danborg. 2009. Nekropolis eller spiritholes? Kritisk tilgang og nye vinkler på systemgravsanlæg i Sydskandinavien. LAG 9, 25 års LAG; 104-112. Forlaget Kulturlaget. Moesgård.


Since 2012
Member of Foreningen af Fagarkæologer. (The association of archaeologists in Denmark).

Since 2003
Member of DALF (Danish archaeology students’ national union). Member of board in 2006-2008 and chairman of the board 2010-2011.

2006 - 2011
Editor of LAG. Published by Kulturlaget.
