Work experience |
Research Assistant at the Institute of Archaeology and History of Art, Cluj-Napoca – project based. Member in the research team of the project ‘Living in the Bronze Age Tell Settlements. A study of Settlement Archaeology at the Eastern Frontier of the Carpathian Basin’ (PN II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0020).
2015: October-November
Member in the international research team for the establishment of a museum of Byzantine art and archaeology in Ayia Napa, Cyprus (, responsible with the processing of artefacts.
2015: March, May, August
Technician in three archaeological excavation projects from Romania;
2015: July
Field supervisor (APTAH) in the archaeological preventive excavation at Toboliu "Dambu Zanacanului" (Romania).
2014: March-April, November
Participant in a systematic field survey at Munar (Romania), as research member in the project PN II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0020;
2014: July
Research assistant in the archaeological discharge campaign Oradea "Salca Biserica” (Romania);
2014: August
Field supervisor (APTAH) in the archaeological preventive excavation at Toboliu "Dambu Zanacanului" (Romania).
2013: June-August
Field supervisor (APTAH) in five archaeological excavations from Romania.
2012: June-October
Field supervisor (APTAH) in four archaeological excavations from Romania.
2011: June
Participant in two archaeological excavations from Romania.
2011: September
Participant in the archaeological excavation campaign at Carnuntum (Austria) as a volunteer.
2010: July-August
Participant in three archaeological excavations in Romania.
Selected publications |
Victor Sava, Anamaria Tudorie, Mihaela Savu, Ghioroc “Balastiera Vest”. O aşezare neolitică din Bazinul Mureşului Inferior/ Ghioroc „Balastiera Vest”. A Neolithic Settlement in the Lower Mureş Valley, Series: Archaeology in the Lower Mureş Valley, Volume 1, Eds. Victor Sava, Florin Gogâltan, Ed. Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2015.
Mihaela Savu, Florin Gogâltan, Exploring the Fields of Ritual and Symbolism. A Late Bronze Age Discovery from Vlaha, Cluj County. In: N.C. Riscuța, I.V. Ferencz, O. Tutilă Bărbat (Eds.), Representations, Signs and Symbols. Proceedings of the Symposium on Religion and Magic, Cluj-Napoca, 2015, pp. 171-186.
Florin Gogâltan, Mihaela Savu, Imola Kelemen, Mâini magice? Un complex aparţinând bronzului târziu de la Vlaha-Pad (jud. Cluj). In: Terra Sebus. Acta Musei Sabiensis (accepted).
Book Reviews:
Mihaela Savu, Book review: Paul Bahn (ed.), The History of Archaeology: An Introduction, Abingdon-New York: Routledge, 2014. In: Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, Vol. 1, No. 4 (
Mihaela Savu, Book review: Nándor Kalicz, Pál Raczky, Alexandra Anders, Katalin Kovács, Preserved by Ancestral Fires. Pictures of an Excavation. The Neolithic Village at Berettyóújfalu-Herpály, Budapest, Pytheas Printing House, 2011, 72 p. In: Terra Sebus 5/2013, pp. 647-649.