Education |
Habilitation in Psychology, University of Bonn.
PhD (‘summa cum laude’), University of Bonn.
Diploma in Psychology, University of Bonn; Auxiliary Subjects: Philosophy, Neurophysiology.
1974 - 1976
Mathematical Psychology, University of Nijmegen.
Mathematics (Vordiplom), University of Bonn. |
Work experience |
1995 - 1996
Head of an international research group at the ‘Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung’ (ZiF) of the University of Bielefeld; Title: ‘Perception and the Role of Evolutionary Internalized Regularities of the Physical World’.
Since 1993
Full professor for Cognitive Science, Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany.
Associate Professor for Experimental Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany.
1981 - 1990
Research assistant/reader at the University of Bonn, Institute of Psychology, Department of Methodology.
1979 - 1981
Head of a section at the educational testing service branch (‘Institut für Test- und Begabungsforschung’) of the German Scholarship Foundation (‘Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’).
Research assistant at the University of Trier. |
Selected publications |
Mausfeld, R.: The perception of material qualities and the internal semantics of the perceptual system. In: L. Albertazzi, G. van Tonder & D. Vishwanath (eds.): Perception beyond Inference. The Information Content of Visual Processes. Cambridge, 159-200).
Mausfeld, R.: Colour within an internalist framework: The role of ‘colour’ in the structure of the perceptual system. In: J. Cohen and M. Matthen (eds.), Color Ontology and Color Science. Cambridge, Mass.
Mausfeld, R.: Intrinsic Multiperspectivity: On the Architectural Foundations of a Distinctive Mental Capacity. In: Frensch, P.A. & Schwarzer, R. (eds.): Cognition and Neuropsychology: International Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol.1: 95-116.
Wendt, G., Faul, F., Ekroll, V., Mausfeld, R.: Disparity, motion, and color information improve gloss constancy performance. Journal of Vision.
Mausfeld, R.: Psychologie, ,weiße Folter' und die Verantwortlichkeit von Wissenschaftlern. Psychologische Rundschau 60: 229-240.
Mausfeld, R.: Weiße Folter: Psychologie im Krieg gegen den Terror. Blätter für deutsche und international Politik 10: 90-100.
Andres, J., Mausfeld, R.: Structural description and qualitative content in perception theory, Consciousness & Cognition 17:307-311, doi:10.1016/j.concog.2006.11.005
Wendt, G., Faul, F., Mausfeld, R.: Highlight disparity contributes to the authenticity and strength of perceived glossiness. Journal of Vision, 8, 14, 1-10.
Waszak, F., Drewing, K., Mausfeld, R.:
Viewer-external frames of reference in the mental transformation of 3-D objects. Perception & Psychophysics, 67, 1269-1279.
Mausfeld, R.: Vom Sinn in den Sinnen. Wie kann ein biologisches System Bedeutung generieren? In: Elsner, N. & Lüer, G. (Hg.): ,,sind eben auch nur Menschen" - Verhalten zwischen Zwang, Freiheit und Verantwortung, Göttingen, 47-80.