
Prof. Dr. Klaus Dierßen, Former academic staff

Former academic staff | Institute for Ecosystem Research

Prof. Dr. Klaus Dierßen (Germany, 1948)

founding member - emeritus

PhD project University of Hanover (Habilitation: University of Freiburg)
Research interests Geobotany

November 1978
Habilitation for Geobotanik and Systematic Botany, University of Freiburg.

March 1972
PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), University of Hannover.

Biology and Landscape Planning, University of Hannover, Dipl. Biol.

Work experience

Since 1995
Professor and Director, Ecology Centre, University of Kiel.

Professor and Director, Botanical Institute, University of Kiel.

Scientific assistant, Botanical Institute, University of Freiburg.

Selected publications

Dierßen, K.: Azoren – Grüne Vulkaninseln im Atlantik.- In: Mieth, A. & H.J. Bork: Inseln der Erde, 132-135.

Dierßen, K.: Spitzbergen – gletscherbedeckte Inseln im Eismeer.- In: Mieth, A. & H. Bork: Inseln der Erde, 98-101.

Barkmann, J., Blume, H.-P., Irmler, U., Kluge, W., Kutsch, W., Reck, H., Reiche E.-W., Trepel, M., Windhorst , W., Dierßen, K.: Ecosystem research and sustainable land use management,. In: O. Fränzle, L. Kappen, H.-P. Blume, Dierßen, K. (eds.). Ecosystem Organization of a complex landscape. Longterm Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany. Ecol. Stud. 202: 319-344. New York.

Dierßen, K.: Vegetations- und Lebensraumtypen als Indikatoren für die Erhaltung und Entwicklung der botanischen Artenvielfalt. Ber. Reinh. Tüxen-Ges. 20: 49-66. bDierßen, K., Dierßen, B. (2008): Moore. Stuttgart.

Dierßen, K., Huckauf, A.: Biodiversität – Karriere eines Begriffes. APuZ 3: 1-9.

Fränzle, O., Kappen, L., Blume, H.-P., Dierßen, K., Irmler, U., Kluge, W., Schleuß, U., Schrautzer, J.: General concept of the research programme and methodology of investigations. In: O. Fränzle, L. Kappen, H.-P. Blume, Dierßen, K. (eds.). Ecosystem Organization of a complex landscape. Longterm Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany. Ecol. Stud. 202: 3-28.

Irmler, U., Dilly, O., Schrautzer, J., Dierßen, K.: 6. Site-related biocoenological dynamics. In: O. Fränzle, L. Kappen, H.-P. Blume, Dierßen, K. (eds.). Ecosystem Organization of a complex landscape. Longterm Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany. Ecol. Stud. 202: 119 – 146.

Schrautzer, J., Müller, F., Blume, H.-P., Heinrich, U., Reiche, E. W., Schleuß, U., Dierßen, K.: An Indicator-Based Characterization of the Key Ecosystems in the Bornhöved Lake District. In: O. Fränzle, L. Kappen, H.-P. Blume, Dierßen, K. (eds.). Ecosystem Organization of a complex landscape. Longterm Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany. Ecol. Stud. 202: 297 – 317.

Dierßen, K., Barkmann, J.: Conclusions: Perspectives for an integrative landscape planning, management and monitoring. In: O. Fränzle, L. Kappen, H.-P. Blume, Dierßen, K. (eds.), Ecosystem Organization of a complex landscape. Longterm Research in the Bornhöved Lake District, Germany. Ecol. Stud. 202: 319-344.

Schrautzer, J., Rinker, A., Jensen, K., Müller, F., Schwartze, P., Dierßen, K.: Succession and Restoration of Drained Fens: Perspectives from Northwestern Europe. In: Walker, L., Hobbs, R. J., Walker, J. (eds.): Linking Restoration and Ecological Succession. Springer Series on Environmental Management, 90-120.


24 supervised theses since 1987, 5 since 2002

In progress
Sophia Dazert: Long-term experiments in small streams.

Vogt, Kati: Hydrochory, seed availability and species diversity in riparian landscapes; magna cum laude.

Rasran, Leonid: Impact of seed- and microsite-limitation of species diversity in fen grassland; magna cum laude.

Dengler, J.: Entwicklung und Bewertung neuer Ansätze in der Pflanzensoziologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Vegetationsklassifikation; summa cum laude.

Dolnik, Christian: Artenzahl-Areal-Beziehungen von Wald- und Offenlandschaften; magna cum laude.

Romahn, Katrin: Rationalität von Werturteilen im Naturschutz; summa cum laude.
