
Post doctoral fellow Rosalind Gillis, Dr. rer. nat.

Post doctoral fellow

Rosalind Gillis (Great Britain, 1979)

Dr. rer. nat. in Archeozoology, Archaeobotany

PhD thesis Osteological and stable isotopic contributions to the study of dairy husbandry during the European Neolithic
Post-doc project Impact of early farming communities and thier animals on the forested environment
Research interests Roz’s research focuses on the evolution and adaption of animal husbandry in different chronological periods in response to socio-environmental factors using a range of archaeozoological and isotopic approaches. Also how animal husbandry practices helped structure prehistoric communities and thier envirionment. Her current post-doc research project will focus on the impact of early farming communities and thier animals on the forested environment using a number of proxies that include stable isotopes and archaeozoology. Previous studies have focused on the effect of clearing land for crop production on prehistoric European forest, but the effect of domesticated livestock on forested environments from an archaeozoological perspective remains unexplored. She has a number of ongoing collaborations with collegues at the University of Bristol, University college London and Naturale History Museum in Paris. These collaborations include using bayersian approaches to model sex ratios of prehistoric herds and determine production capacity for milk and meat.

PhD (with felicitations from the Jury) UMR 7209 Archéozoologie, Archéobotanique/ Homme et Environnement, CNRS-Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris/France. Superviser: Dr Jean-Denis Vigne

Masters of Science in Biomolecular Archaeology (Distinction), Department of Archaeology, University of Sheffield/ England

Bachelor of Science (Hons) Environmental Archaeology (2.1), Department of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh/Scotland

Work experience

2016 - 2017
ASIL lab manager at Institute of Pre- and Protohistory, Kiel University

2013 - 2016
Post-doctoral research assistant, NeoMilk (ERC advanced grant/Evershed/FP7-IDEAS-ERC/324202), UMR 7209, CNRS/MNHN, Paris/France

Archaeozoological technician, InRAP, Paris/France

Post-doctoral research assistant, SIANHE (ERC starting grant/Balasse/ GA 202881); UMR 7209, CNRS/MNHN, Paris/France

2002 - 2008
Project officer, Headland Archaeology Ltd., Edinburgh/Scotland

Selected publications

Gillis R.E., Kovačiková L. Bréhard S., Guthmann E., Vostrovská H. Arbogast R.-M., Domboróczki L. Pechtl J., Anders A., Marciniak A., Tresset A., and Vigne J.-D., The evolution of dual meat and milk cattle husbandry in Linearbandkeramik societies. Proc. R. Soc. B 284:20170905; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0905

Gillis R., A calf’s eye view of milk production: Tony Legge’s contribution to dairy husbandry studies. In P. Rowely-Conwy, D. Serjeantson and P. Halstead (Eds.) Economic Zooarchaeology: Studies in hunting, herding and early agriculture. Oxford: oxbow books. Pp. 135-142.

Debono Spiteri C., Gillis R.E., Roffet-Salque M., Castells Navarro L., Guilaine J., Manen C., Muntoni I. M., Saña Segui, M. Urem-Kotsou D., Whelton H.L., Craig O.E., Vigne J.-D. and Evershed, R.P., Regional asynchronicity in dairy production and processing in early farming communities of the northern Mediterranean. PNAS 113 (48): 13594-13599; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1607810113.

Gerbault P., Gillis R.E., Vigne J.-D, Bréhard S., Tresset A. and Thomas M. G., Statistically Robust Representation and Comparison of Mortality Profiles in Archaeozoology. Journal of Archaeological Sciences 71: 24-32. DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2016.05.001. 2.14 Impact Factor. 41 H5 index.

Gillis R.E., Arbogast R.-M., Piningre J.-F., Debue K., and Vigne J.-D. (2014) Prediction models for age-at-death estimates for calves, using un-fused epiphyses and diaphyses. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25(6): 912-922. DOI:10.1002/oa.2377. 0.95 Impact Factor. 20 H5-index.

Gillis R.E., Bréhard S., Balasescu A., Vigne J.-D., Popovici D. and Balasse M., Sophisticated cattle dairy husbandry at Borduşani-Popină (Romania, 5th mill BC): the evidence from complementary analysis of mortality profiles and stable isotopes. World Archaeology 45(3): 447-472. DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2013.820652.
