Dr. Nils Andersen Institute: Leibniz-Laboratory Special expertise: Mass spectrometry 2H, 13C, 18O Contact:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Rudolf Bork Institute: Institute for Ecosystem Research Special expertise: Soil Profile Contact:
Prof. Dr. Manuela Dittmar Institute: Zoological Institute, Human Biology Special expertise: DNA Contact:
Prof. Dr. Rainer Duttmann Institute: Institute of Geography, Chair of Physical Geography Special expertise: GIS, Landscape Contact:
Prof. Dr. Anton Eisenhauer Institute: Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel(GEOMAR) Special expertise: TIMS, Sr, Ca-Isotopes Contact:
Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Garbe-Schönberg Institute: Institute of Geosciences, Department of Geology Special expertise: Laser-Ablation-ICP-MS, XRF-Scanner Main-/ Trace Elements, SEM Contact:
Institute: Leibniz Laboratory for Radiometric Dating & Isotope Research Special expertise: Palaeoclimate- and Isotopes Expertise Contact:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Grotemeyer Institute: Institute of Physical Chemistry Special expertise: Mass Spectrometry Contact:
Prof. Dr. Astrid Holzheid Institute: Institute of Geosciences Special expertise: Material Analysis Contact:
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Kienle Institute: Institute for Material Science Special expertise: Material Analysis, TEM Contact:
Prof. Dr. Wiebke Kirleis Institute: Special expertise: Pollen Analysis, Macrofossil Analysis Contact:
Prof. Dr. Cheryl A. Makarewicz Institute: Institute of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology Special expertise: Zooarchaeology & Stable Isotopes Contact:
Prof. Dr. Almut Nebel Institute: Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology Special expertise: Recent & Ancient DNA, Genetic High-Throughput Technologies Contact:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Rabbel Institute: Institute of Geosciences Special expertise: Geophysics, Field Survey Contact:
Dr. Christoph Rinne Institute: Institute of Prehistoric & Protohistoric Archaeology Special expertise: Archaeoinformatics, Field Expertise Contact:
Prof. Dr. Volker Schenk Institute: Institute of Geosciences (Mineralogy-Petrography) Special expertise: Material Analysis Contact:
Prof. Dr. Ralph Schneider Institute: Institute of Geosciences Special expertise: Palaeoclimate & Climate Proxies Contact:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schreiber Institute: Institute for Clinical Molecular Biology & Department of General Internal Medicine Special expertise: ZMB, Recent & Ancient DNA, Genetic High-Throughput Technologies Contact:
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Schwark Institute: Institute for Geoscience Special expertise: Organic Compounds Contact:
Apl. Prof. Dr. Frank Sönnichsen Institute: Institute of Organic Chemistry Special expertise: Spectroscopy, NMR Contact:
Institute: Institute of Legal Medicine Special expertise: aDNA Contact:
German contact list of Platform 2 (pdf)