The Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” joins expertise from a wide range of disciplines, as represented by 16 institutes from five CAU Faculties, the Schloss Gottorf Archaeological State Museum, and the Leibniz Institute of Science Education (IPN).
The staff of the Graduate School consists of 25 Principal Investigators, an additional 22 Investigators, 14 scientists and a substantial number of non-scientific members of the participating institutes, two Junior Professors, a Scientific Coordinator, and six postdoctoral fellows.
The School’s organisational structure ensures cross-institutional and autonomous decisions while being fully embedded within the existing university structures.
Executive Committee Members:
- Coordinator: Prof. Dr. J. Müller (Deputies: Prof. Dr. A. Haug, Prof. Dr. C. Makarewicz)
- Cluster 1: Prof. Dr. L. Käppel (Deputy: Prof. Dr. A. Haug)
- Cluster 2: PD Dr. Oliver Nakoinz (Deputy: Dr. M. Weinelt)
- Cluster 3: Prof. Dr. C. Makarewicz (Deputy: Prof. Dr. A. Nebel)
- Platform 1: Dr. W. Dörfler (Deputy: Prof. Dr. I. Unkel)
- Platform 2: Prof. Dr. W. Kirleis (Deputy: Dr. J. Kneisel)
- Platform 3: Prof. Dr. N. Nübler (Deputy: N.N.)
Additional Expertise-posts:
- Education/ Teaching: PD Dr. Oliver Nakoinz
Board members by office/group:
- For Kiel University: CAU President
- For Junior Professors: Prof. Dr. Henny Piezonka
- For Schloss Gottorf and as JMA speaker: Prof. Dr. C. v. Carnap Bornheim (Deputy: PD Dr. B. Eriksen)
- For IPN: N.N.
- Scientific Coordinator: PD Dr. M. Weinelt
- For Post-Doctoral Fellows: Dr. R. Gillis
- For PhD students: Mihaela Savu, Robert Staniuk
Advisory board:
- em. Prof. Dr. Reinhold Bichler, Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altorientalistik der Universität Innsbruck.
- Dr. Simon Haberle, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Lang, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Salzburg
- Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hermann Parzinger, Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz
- Prof. Dr. Stephen Shennan, Institute of Archaeology, University College of London
- Prof. Dr. Helle Vandkilde, Department of Anthropology, Archaeology and Linguistics, University of Aarhus
- Prof. Dr. Ralf von den Hoff, Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abteilung für Klassische Archäologie, Universität Freiburg