Participating Institutes and Centres of CAU provide access to a wide spectrum of analytical techniques, including state-of-the-art instrumentation, and to leading expertise in the application of these techniques to the solution of a wide variety of research questions.
This enables PhD research projects to use well-proven approaches as well as to test new ideas. The support offered by platform 2 is provided by sub-platforms, which are concentrated around three foci:
The analysis of finds ( aDNA laboratory, isotope, trace element analysis, botanical platform)
A high priority of the GS and Platform 2 was to establish an aDNA laboratory, where ancient DNA can be used to address pertinent questions of human development in landscapes with respect to demographic development and migration patterns, development of diseases and kinship issues, as tackled in Cluster 3. To this end, the new ancient DNA (aDNA) lab established in strong cooperation with the DNA lab of the Institute of Legal Medicine was improved and upgraded. To guarantee the reliability and reproducibility of aDNA work at the GS, several projects on quality management and method validation are being carried out.
Field expertise ( archaeological excavation, near surface geophysics and scientific diving)
The departments of Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology and Classical Archaeology have a large experience in different excavation techniques. Ongoing projects at different sites in Germany, and other European countries cover different periods of human prehistory, different ecological zones, preservational conditions and types of sites. Thus, the doctoral students have access to abundant data and also have the opportunity to get experience in the archaeological fieldwork in all its facets, the implementation of up to date techniques of excavation, recording, preservation, and data management systems. State-of-the-art technical equipment is available at the participating archaeological institutes.
Information technologies ( GIS and 3D visualisation)
The doctoral students assemble and integrate diverse historical, archaeological, and environmental facts into a dynamic picture of human development. The heterogeneity of data and observations, all focusing on the same object, yet using different methods, spatial resolutions, or scales, demands a strong unifying database. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are highly suitable since they provide established sophisticated techniques for the storage, retrieval, and processing of geodata coming from different sources.
Focus 1, the analysis of finds, groups analytical techniques used in the Natural Sciences, from molecular biology (aDNA analysis) to radiocarbon dating, stable isotope analysis, material research, and botanical analysis. Focus 2 offers field expertise such as near surface geophysics, excavation techniques, and scientific diving. Focus 3, information technologies, groups GIS, 3D visualisation, and computational science
Prof. Dr. Wiebke Kirleis
+49 431 880.3173
Dr. Jutta Kneisel
+49 431 880.5925