From June 16-21, international expertise from Europe and beyond gathered in Kiel to discuss the latest results in the field of megalithic research at the International Conference “Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes: Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe”
that was organised by the Priority Programme 1400, the GSHDL/ JMA and Kiel Archaeology. It was at the same time a meeting of the European Megalithic Studies Group. In six sessions with 126 contributions, 160 participants from 14 countries presented their results regarding individual monuments and monumental landscapes, aspects of social differentiation and material culture in connection with monuments, as well as ethnological and anthropological research and new evidence in relation to Neolithic subsistence that helps to explore the background of the megalithic phenomenon in Europe. The conference proceedings will be published in multiple volumes within the series of the Priority Programme.